Chapter 32

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After an hour of endless stifled laughter (so that the boys wouldn’t get caught) and stuffing our faces into McDonald’s, we were all exhausted. I was sitting beside Harry on the bed as he had his hand on the small of my back. I didn’t know exactly where Harry and I stood right now and I assumed that he didn’t either, but we both just went with it.

  “There you are!” Paul yelled slipping into the hospital room. Louis let out a small shriek as he hid under the bed, Liam ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind him, Zayn slipped into the closet, and Niall just ran in circles not knowing what to do or where to go. Harry and I laughed our asses off as Paul pulled the boys one by one. 

  “NEVER” Louis yelled running out of the room. Paul ran after him pulling the other three boys with him. We could hear Liam apologizing to him over and over. I stood up and quickly walked towards the window, watching as Louis darted out of the hospital with Paul and the rest of the boys running after him.

  “Oh, Lou” I sighed, still laughing hysterically. I turned around on my heel and walked back towards Harry, sitting on the edge of the bed. His head rested on the pillow and his eyelids looked as if they were about to shut together any second now. His fingers rested on top of mine, intertwining together perfectly.

  “So does this mean you forgive me?” he asked tiredly. I was silent for a couple of minutes, not knowing what to tell him.

  “I don’t know” I told him staring at the ground “We’ll talk about it tomorrow morning. You need to rest right now” I said kissing his forehead gently, pushing the curls away from his face.

  “You’re beautiful” he whispered, his emerald green eyes staring into mine.

  “Are you kidding?” I asked, letting out a small giggle “I look like a mess” My hair was all messed up, Harry’s blood from earlier was all over my shirt so I had to buy a t-shirt from the gift shop, my make-up was a wreck, and there were black sacks under my eyes.

  “Still beautiful” he said grinning, his hand moving in sync with mine “Go home and rest” he told me “You’re not obligated to spend the night in a hospital. I’m not going anywhere with this on my foot” he said, referring to the huge cast. I hesitated for a couple of seconds.

  “Are you sure?” I asked “Because I don’t want to leave you all alone in a hospital”

  “I’ll be fine” he said grinning “Just go get some proper rest”

  “I’ll be back first thing tomorrow morning” I said after a couple of minutes of silence, kissing his cheek “Good night” I smiled, walking backwards towards the door.

  “Night” he said “I love you” I stood by the door, staring at him with a loss of words. Things were moving so quickly and so rapidly. I didn’t know what to say so I simply smiled and left. Was I ready to forgive Harry for cheating on me? Was I ready to tear down all of the walls I’ve been building for the past 4 months in one second? There was no doubt that I still loved Harry with everything I had, but could we ever be the same again?


  I woke up the next morning at 7 A.M ready to go to the hospital to see Harry. I put my Dad’s sweater on, my most comfortable tights, UGGS, and drove away . Before I headed to the hospital, I got some breakfast from Starbucks for Harry since I knew how much he hated hospital food; an Iced Latte and a cheese croissant. I pulled up in front of the hospital and made my way through the many, many fans. I walked in to find Harry watching T.V. with a bowl of untouched oatmeal in front of him.

  “Morning” I said cheerfully, kissing his cheek and sitting down beside him, handing him his breakfast.

  “Morning” he smiled, putting his arm around my waist. He took a peek inside the bag and smiled excitedly at me. “You’re the best, has anyone ever told you that before?” I grinned and leaned my head against his chest. We watched ‘The Big Bang Theory’ for about twenty minutes until the rest of the boys showed up with Starbucks in their hands as well.

  “Haz, we have a surprise for you!” Zayn beamed walking in with the rest of the boys behind him “Iced Latte and a cheese croissant”

  “Emily beat you to it” Harry said laughing. Zayn fake-cried and threw the croissant at me.

  “You did not just do that Zayn Javaad Malik” I said through my gritted teeth chasing him around with the croissant in my hand. The boys cheered as I chased Zayn around the room, through the hallways, and back in the room.

  “Don’t waste perfectly good food!” Niall yelled taking the croissant away from me “Idiots” he murmured, taking a huge bite from it. I continued to chase Zayn around until he got a hold of my wrists.

  “You can’t beat me, you puny creature!” Zayn laughed.

  “Oh yeah?” I teased “How about I ruin your hair? Then you’ll have to go out looking like a mess” Liam gasped dramatically and Louis let out a small shriek.

  “You wouldn’t” Zayn hissed.

  “Try me!” I said smirking. He let go of my wrists and darted out of the room. I sat back down on the chair deciding I’d get him back later. I looked around at the four boys laughing realizing how much I’d missed them all, and that I couldn’t wait to go back home. Zayn eventually returned, and we’d called a truce for the meantime. We spent hours and hours talking and laughing about absolutely nothing. Everything was falling into its place again. In about a month, I’d be back n London, and One Direction would be back from their European tour (that is if they don’t cancel it because of the whole accident). Harry and I still hadn’t discussed anything, but I was sure we would as soon as we could. We weren’t exactly back together yet, but we weren’t friends either. That kind of made sense, didn’t it?



 “EMILY!” Jasmine yelled “Hurry up already! We’re going to be late!”

  “I’m coming, I’m coming” I yelled back slipping my clothes on as quickly as I could and placed my cell phone in my purse and walking out towards Jasmine’s car where Danielle, Eleanor, Jasmine, and Scarlett were waiting. We were renting a house in Ibiza for the summer. This summer was the perfect fresh new start for Harry and I. He’s been back from his belated tour almost a week now, and we’d decided that we weren’t exactly together, but we weren’t just friends either. We were somewhere in the middle and giving our relationship another try. If this summer goes well, we go back to the way we were. If we couldn’t get along this summer, we’d both finally move on. It was complicated, but that’s just how it was. It was a long drive to the airport, so we’d split up into two cars.

  It was kind of awkward for Scarlett and Zayn though since we were pretty much all going in couples; Niall and Jasmine, Eleanor and Louis, Liam and Danielle, and Harry and I. We were all trying to fix them up together, but they were complete opposites and never got along.

  Jasmine drove on the highway as we blasted ‘Call Me Maybe’ on the radio. We all sang at the top of our lungs with the windows down so that the wind ran through our hair. The boys’ car caught up to us, and they started making fun of us, mimicking our every move. Eleanor flipped them off as the rest of us laughed hysterically. I was waiting for this all month long; a house to share with my closest friends, a yacht, a beautiful city with a beautiful beach, a huge pool, and a do-over with Harry. It was ideal.

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