Chapter 5

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We both just stood there, not one of us saying a word. He was staring at me as if I wasn’t real; like I wasn’t really there.

“You cut your hair” was all he managed to say. I just stared at him puzzled. I haven’t seen him in two years and that’s all he had to say? I just nodded my head.

 “How have you been, Em?” he asked, practically whispering.

 “I’m okay. Congratulations on all the success by the way”

“Thanks” Neither one of us was talking and I was freezing, this was going absolutely nowhere.

“Um, I should get going. It was nice seeing you again, Haz” I smiled weakly at him and turned around on my heel and began to walk away.

 “Don’t walk away from me again” I heard him say. I bit my lower lip nervously and turned around again.


 “Don’t walk away again. How come you never called? Or at least texted me?”

“I didn’t think you wanted anything to do with me after that night”

“You were the one who left; not me.”

“I left for a reason Harry. Do you think it was easy leaving everything behind again?”

“We could’ve at least tried!” I shook my head in disagreement “Just admit it” Now he was walking closer until we were about two inches apart “You were afraid and you still are”

“Okay, fine I was afraid” my voice was getting higher and higher with each word “You wouldn’t have wanted someone who lived three hours away! Our relationship was going down the drain anyway and I had to stop it before things got too serious!”

“I loved you and you know that” I didn’t know how to respond to that. I was just staring at him with my mouth open but the words just wouldn’t come out “And you loved me too. You weren’t afraid of the hardships we’d face, you were afraid of your own feelings”

I opened my mouth once again to say something, but before I could Kaylee came and interrupted our conversation.

“There you are” she said to Harry, planting a huge kiss on his lips. It felt like a huge slap to your face. My sadness turned into anger in one second.

“I’ll be back inside in a couple of minutes” he told her pushing her off.

“Okay, baby; I’ll be waiting by the bar” she and her 14-inch heels strutted back to the club and left me and Harry standing there alone. He had a girlfriend. All this time I’ve spent missing him and he had a freaking girlfriend.

“Unbelievable” I muttered “You could’ve told me you were in a damn relationship before we had this little heart-to-heart right now!” I yelled. How dare he just come up here and say all these things when he was in a relationship? I turned around to walk away before he stopped me again.

“Goddamn it, Emily! Just hear me out for a second” our faces were a few inches away, he was breathing heavily out of frustration and so was I “she’s not my girlfriend! I’ve only been seeing her for a couple of weeks. Why do you care anyways?”

“I don’t!”

“Well can you calm down, then?”  I took a few minutes to breathe and think rationally about this.

“I’m sorry, I just overreacted. I shouldn’t be angry over the fact that you have a girlfriend considering that I’m the one who broke up with you”

“I miss you, Em” he sighed “Can we just…be friends again? For old time’s sake?”

“Sure” I said “I’d love that” He grinned softly and pulled me in for a hug. I hug him back tightly, he buried his head into my neck and I held on tightly to his.

“This isn’t helping the ‘friend’ situation” I said after a minute or two.

He laughed lightly “You’re probably right. They’re probably wondering where we are by now so we better get going”

“Actually, I was serious about the being tired part, so I think I’m calling it in for the night”

“Oh, okay. Good night”

“Night, Haz” He smiled before walking back inside.  I got into my car and drove away. I still couldn’t believe what had just happened with the whole “just friends” thing. This should be interesting.

  I walked into my room and threw my car keys on the side table.  I took off my dress and heels and put on my PJ’s and tied my hair into a messy bun. It was only 10:15 so I went down to the kitchen and made some Mac and Cheese. I plopped down on the couch and turned on the television since I needed something to get my mind off the whole Harry thing. Ironically, ‘Love Actually’ was on.

June 2010:

It was a rainy summer day so Harry and I decided to hang out at home and watch ‘Love Actually’. We sat comfortably on the couch sharing a blanket with mugs of tea in our hands. My head was leaned against his chest. I could hear his heart beat calmly. I looked up at him and smiled. How did someone like me manage to get someone as amazing as him? He looked down at me and caught me staring.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” he said smirking.

“I don’t know” I said running a hand through his hair “Have I ever told you how much I love your hair?”

“I don’t think you did” he said leaning in for a kiss.

I giggled and met him halfway there, taking in the warmth of his lips. He pulled me closer by the waist as I tugged on his tshirt.

“Don’t ever leave me” he whispered to me with his lips still intact with mine.

“I won’t. I’ll always be here for you Haz no matter what” he grinned and kissed me once again.

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