Chapter 29

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  “I can explain” I told Joseph calmly. I saw his neck veins pop out and his face getting hotter.

  “So this is why you seem so distant all the time” he said “It’s because there’s another guy”

  “There isn’t another guy!” I replied holding his two hands “There’s only you. Harry’s out of the picture now.”

  “So that’s his name, Harry?” he asked. He ran his hand through his hair and sighed heavily “So is he your ex or something?”

  “Yes” I replied guiltily. I knew I shouldn’t have rushed things and gotten into a relationship so quickly “We dated for a while, but I promise you that we don’t even talk anymore.”

  “How come you’ve never mentioned him?” he asked “I would’ve understood. We all have exes, it’s no big deal.”

  “It’s kind of hard to explain” I told him slowly.

  “I can take it”

  “Okay” I said taking in a deep breath “Do you know that band One Direction?”


  “The curly-haired guy is Harry, and we used to date until he cheated on me with my sister’s best friend.”

  “That’s hilarious” Joseph said chuckling “Now, seriously tell me” Ouch.

  “You think I’m lying?” I snapped standing up “Here, take a look at my phone and check out my pictures” I told him handing him the phone. He took the phone from my hand and went through the pictures. I watched as he scrolled through all kinds of pictures of Harry and me; photos of us kissing, on the beach, making funny faces, one of us taking a picture with a snoring Zayn trying not to laugh our asses off, hugging, cuddling, a picture I took of Harry as he was driving us to the beach in L.A.

  “You’re serious” he sighed with realization “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked putting the phone down.

  “Because I didn’t anyone to know about this, moving to France meant a new Emily and the new Emily didn’t have any room for Harry Styles of One Direction in her life.” It pained me to say those words. It’s like I didn’t want to say them because I was afraid they’d hurt Harry even though he wasn’t listening. Joseph put a protective arm around me “Harry’s in my past” I told him “But you’re my present, and hopefully my future.” He smiled and kissed my lips gently.

  “Je t’aime tellement, Emily Parker” he whispered into my ear. I wasn’t a fluent French speaker, but I definitely knew what that meant “Je suis tombé pour vous dur, et je ne pense pas que je serai capable de se lever”

  “You better not be cursing me out in French” I scolded him jokingly.

  “I said” he whispered smiling, his lips brushing against mine “I’ve fallen for you hard, and I don’t think I’ll be able to get up”

  “That’s beautiful” I told him, planting small kisses on his lips.

  “I think I should start speaking French more often” he chuckled.



  “Emmie” my mum yelled “Can you go fetch the mail, sweetheart?”

  “Sure, mum” I yelled back, hopping off the couch. I put my slippers on and walked out the door. I grabbed the pile of mail and went through them; bill, bill, advertisement, mum’s client, bill, bill, and a purple envelope which had my name on it. I examined the address trying to figure out who it’s from. I could hear myself letting out a small gasp when I realized that it was the boys’ complex address. I quickly ripped it open to find several things in there. There were pictures of the boys with Jasmine, Eleanor, and Danielle being their idiotic selves, and a picture of all of them together. ‘We miss you, Em’ was scribbled on the back of the picture. It was obviously Niall’s handwriting since it was so messy. I chuckled loudly at the thought, and soon my laugh turned into tears. I missed every single one of them immensely.

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