Chapter 52

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  I woke up barely able to open my eyelids. I groaned pushing myself under the blankets to prevent the sun from hitting my face. My head was throbbing with pain and my stomach felt like it was flipped upside down. I looked at the time; 2 PM. I quickly climbed out of my bed rushing to the toilet and let all of what was in my stomach out.

  “Oh, you’re awake” Jasmine’s voice said behind me as she sat on the edge of the tub beside me, rubbing my back supportively. After I was done, Jasmine handed me some tissues and I tried to recollect some of last night’s events “I’ll go get you some coffee” Jasmine said responsibly, rushing towards the kitchen. I managed to stand on my feet, ready to take a shower. Maybe I’ll start thinking more clearly once I was freshened up a bit.

  I struggled to untie my hair ready to get into the shower. After my hair was finally loose, I looked at the bracelet my hair was tied with; Harry’s bracelet. Flashbacks of last night came rushing into my head and I instantly lifted my hands to my face with embarrassment. I made a complete fool out of myself last night. I hurried into the kitchen where Jasmine was brewing my coffee.

  “How bad was it last night?” I blurted out immediately. She froze, staring at me with a loss of words.

  “You know” she started “You shouldn’t worry yourself about last night. It wasn’t that big of a deal, let’s just—”

  “Jas” I interrupted her “I need to know how far I went”

  “Fine” she sighed “you may want to sit down as I tell you this” I took a deep breath, sitting down ready to listen to whatever Jasmine was about to say.


  “I can’t believe you!” Natasha yelled, throwing the newspaper aggressively on the table “Do you know how utterly stupid I felt? There I was on a plane on my way here to London to see you, when the flight attendant hands me a newspaper with these pictures plastered all over them!” she yelled out of breath and tears lingering in her eyes. The pictures of Emily and me from last night were everywhere; pictures of us in the club, outside of the club, and outside her house. They were on every British newspaper and half of the American ones.

  “I’m sorry, I really am” I said trying to calm her down “She was wasted and some guy was taking advantage of her at the club and I couldn’t watch her to that to herself” I grabbed her hands trying to soothe her down, but nothing would work. She was absolutely raging.

  “I specifically told you that I didn’t want you anywhere near that whore” she spat, her blonde hair flying everywhere “Honestly, does she only want you when she sees that you’ve moved the tiniest bit on?”

  “I couldn’t just sit there and watch her do that to herself!”

  “You weren’t the only one there! Louis was there, and so was Zayn, and Liam, and Niall, and Eleanor, andDanielle” she yelled “It’s hard enough to compete with the incredible Emily Parker.” She hissed sarcastically “It seems as if everyone likes her more; your Mum, Gemma, your friends, and even you. No matter what I do or how hard I try, it’s always going to be Emily”  I just stared at her with a loss of words for a couple of moments. She let out a huge sigh and plopped down on the couch, resting her head on her hands.  I sat down next to her, trying to put my arm around her, but she flinched away from my touch “Just tell me one thing” she whispered looking me in the eyes “Did I even cross your mind? Even once?” There was even more silence because we both knew the answer to that question. Because the truth was, when I was with Emily, I could see her and only her. Everything and everyone else becomes a trivial matter “That’s what I thought” Natasha said with a single tear running down her face. She stood up with her purse, ready to leave.

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