Chapter 51

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  “Happy birthday, baby!” Liam beamed as he entered the club, running towards Danielle. He picked her up twirling her in circles and showering her with kisses. He’d probably said ‘happy birthday’ to her over 100 times today.

  “Are you okay, man?” Zayn whispered to me. I just nodded my head holding in my breath. Today was the day I’d see her again. I was anxious but dreading this at the same time. I wanted to prove to everyone and myself tonight that I wasn’t putty in her hands anymore once and for all.


Emily’s POV:

  “Jasmine, come on” I nagged for like the 15th time waiting for her to put the final touches on her make-up so we could go to Danielle’s party.

  “I’m almost done!” she snapped “Geez, woman. Oh, by the way, can I borrow your gold studded earrings?” I groaned, rolling my eyes. I rummaged through my drawers looking for the earrings. I had so much junk in here that it wasn’t even funny. I opened the last drawer since most of my stuff were crammed in there; an old photo album, candy wrappers, my old iPod, endless numbers of headphones, and finally (thank God) the gold studded earrings.

  “Found them!” I said victoriously, handing them to Jasmine. I turned back around to close the drawer, but it wouldn’t close. I groaned taking the whole drawer out to check what was jamming it when I pulled out a crumpled envelope. I opened it to find two airplane tickets to Egypt. I’d almost forgotten that Harry and I were supposed to be in Sharm El Sheikh right now.

  I could feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes, but I held them back considering the fact that Jasmine spent almost 45 minutes on my make-up. I stared at them for a couple of more minutes when I felt Jasmine’s hand on my shoulder.

  “We could go home early tonight, you know” she said trying to make the situation better.

  “No, it’s fine” I said putting the tickets away “Tonight’s for Danielle. It’s not about me or Harry. Let’s go” I said grabbing my purse and making my way towards the car.

  “Emily, please talk to me about this” Jasmine said as we got into the car “You’re really starting to worry me. Your Mum’s worried too”

  “My Mum can kiss my ass. She wanted Harry and me to break up, didn’t she? She’s supposed to be happy that she got what she wanted, as usual. ” I snapped backing out of the driveway “And there’s nothing to talk about, really”

  “You’re not eating, you’re not sleeping, and you barely talk to anyone anymore.”

  “I’m fine!” I almost yelled “Can everyone just back off?”

  “Fine” she huffed looking out of the window.



  I stared at the entrance of the club anxiously wondering if Emily was even going to show up. Natasha was texting me every 5 minutes and I knew it was because she was jumpy about me seeing Emily tonight.

  “Harry, man” Zayn slurred throwing himself next to me, his breath reeking of alcohol “What are you doing sitting here all by yourself?”

  “Go find some girl to grind on or something” I told him, shaking him off. He slurred something else to me, but I wasn’t listening. I was too busy looking at Emily who had just entered the club. At that moment, the world stopped spinning. All the commotion around me ceased, and all I could see is Emily. She made her way towards Danielle hugging her. Her long, light brown hair swiveled as she moved around in the little black dress that was hugging her body. She tossed her head back, laughing at something Liam had said. I smiled at the sight of her laughing, her same old Emily laugh echoing in my head. It’s like I’d forgotten everything she had ever done to me in this particular second.  I’d forgotten about Natasha, how Emily had broken up with me, everything. I could feel my heart thumping against my ribcage wildly. Even after all these years, she still had the same effect on me.

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