Chapter 60 (FINAL)

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 I took one final look in the mirror, running my hands over my beige colored blazer. I decided I needed more foundation since no amount of makeup seemed to cover up the huge black sacks under my eyes. I haven’t slept last night; not one second, not after what had happened. I also couldn’t sleep knowing that I was about to watch the one guy I’d ever loved get married tomorrow.

  After I was done with yet another layer of foundation, I grabbed my purse off the counter, ready to leave. The little diamond ring on the nightstand caught my eye right before I left. I stared at it emotionlessly for a couple of minutes before I forced myself to turn my head and walk away; because obviously that’s the only thing I’m good at; walking away and turning my head.

  My heels make clicking noises as I passed Jasmine in the living room, making my way to the door. We still weren’t talking to each other. The only times we’d ever talk was when we’d remind each other of the bills or any other necessities for the apartment.

  “Emily” she called at the last second. I paused and turned around, not really in the mood to talk to her right now.

  “Yeah?” I answered coldly.

  “I know that you no longer consider me as your friend” she started “But you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to go today”

  “I think you’ve helped enough” I said automatically, turning back towards the door.

  “When is this going to end?” she said again “When are you finally going to forgive me?”

  “You don’t get it, do you?” I asked “He was going to propose. I found a wedding ring in one of the envelopes. Don’t you get how crucial those letters were and how they could have changed everything?” She stared back at me with a loss of words “It doesn’t matter anyway. Oh, and I found an apartment. I’ll be moving out by the end of this month” I told her matter-of-factly before leaving the apartment.


   ‘Though I miss you more than I can take and I will surely break’ I breathed heavily as I drove towards the mansion the wedding was being held in. It was an hour’s worth of a drive, so I had plenty of time to dread and think about it ‘And every morning that I wake God, it’s the same, but there’s nothing more to it, I just get through it’ (X)  I turned the music off aggressively. The last thing I needed right now was depressing music.

  I pulled up in front of the Pembroke Lodge. It was a huge Georgian mansion that was surrounded by nothing but acres and acres of green.

  There weren’t many people. ‘Small and secluded’; the type of wedding Harry had always said he’d wanted. I got out of the car, making my way through the sea of people into the mansion. I looked like a walking dead person with my emotionless, pale face. I walked in, not recognizing a soul in the room. I squished my way between the people and made my way towards the huge backyard. I immediately grabbed a glass of champagne, deciding I needed something to calm me down.

  I sat at a table by myself, hating myself for even coming here.



  I looked out the window at all of the people who were here today for my marriage. Well, most of them were here to see Madison get married, I just invited the extra close family members and friends.

  I sighed, stuffing my hands into the pockets of my brand new tux. I thought grooms were supposed to be giddy and nervous on their wedding day, but all I could feel right now was emptiness. I didn’t know what overcame me. I was the one who proposed to Madison. I shouldn’t feel like this.

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