Chapter 25

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Harry’s POV:

  I rang the doorbell nervously, hoping Emily would be home. She hasn’t answered my phone calls or my text messages since the fight yesterday. I came to her house last night, but she wasn’t home. A not very welcoming Amanda told me that was she sleeping over at Jasmine’s. I doubted if that was really true since she didn’t want to see me, but Niall assured me that she really was at Jasmine’s which gave me just a glimpse of hope.

 Amanda opened the door and instantly frowned when she saw me.

 “Harry” she exclaimed loudly “What are you doing here?”

 “Can I please just speak with Emily?”

 “Emily’s not here right now” she answered flatly.

 “Amanda” I heard Emily’s voice call “Is that the pizza?” I almost jumped up in excitement. She walked towards us and stopped when she saw me. Our eyes locked for a few seconds before she turned and marched away.

 “Emily, please” I yelled behind her “EMILY”

 “I’m sorry, Harry” Amanda said “But I think you need to leave”

 “I just need to talk to her!”

 “Harry” she silenced me “Just go” I walked away in defeat, ready to start the engine of my car when the song playing on the radio grabbed my attention. My heart pounded a thousand times faster as I turned up the volume.

  “took a car downtown and took what they offered me, to set me free” I could feel the tears forming in my eyes as I listened to the song “In my scarecrow dreams, when they smashed my heart into smithereens” “Charlie Brown” was on the radio. It was our song. At that moment, I decided that I was going to fight for Emily with all I had because she was worth it. Beyond that even. I rested in my car looking up at Emily’s window and waited for her to come inside her room so I could get her alone and talk to her one-on-one. After 40 minutes or so, the lights of her bedroom came on. I quickly got out of my car and looked for a way to climb up to her room since there was no way in hell Amanda was letting me in. I grabbed onto whatever I could and started climbing, trying not to make any noise. After a load of struggling, I reached her balcony. She was on the phone, obviously having a serious discussion with someone. I could only catch fragments of what she was yelling into the phone.

  “WELL I DON’T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOU WANT…BECAUSE I’M STARTING COLLEGE SOON AND MY WHOLE LIFE IS HERE…I’M NOT DOING THIS AGAIN, I’M NOT GOING TO LET YOU DRAG ME TO ANOTHER CONTINENT” she looked at me with a pale expression, realizing that I had just heard everything she’d said “I’ll call you back later, Mum” she said before hanging up. “What are you doing here?” she asked, opening the balcony door angrily.

  “I just want to talk” I said grabbing her shoulders. She tried walking away and out of the bedroom, but I beat her to the door and locked it.


 “No!” I protested “Just hear me out for two minutes! That’s all I’m asking for” She looked hesitant for a moment, but she crossed her arms indicating that she was listening “Look, I know I fucked up…big time, but I just got you back and I’m not willing to lose you again. I shouldn’t have cheated, but it was only because of the pregnancy scare. I know that doesn’t justify anything, but just know that I would never ever hurt you on purpose. I was drunk and confused, and Tiffany just texted me out of the blue. I love you, Emily and I’m so…so sorry. I’ll do anything for you to take me back” I held her hands with hope. She pulled away after a few minutes before she spoke.

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