Chapter 26

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 I felt two hands on my waist. I turned around to find Harry facing me. He grinned softly with sadness in his eyes.

  “I never got the chance to say hi to you” he said.

  “Well, hi” I said stammering.

  “Well can I at least hug you awkwardly?” he asked. I smiled as I embraced him in, taking in his beautiful scent. He held my waist tightly one last time before letting go. I looked at his face and rubbed my thumb along the cut on his forehead.

  “When did you get this?” I asked with a frown on my face.

  “The night I was at your place” he replied with heaviness.

  “Oh” I said pulling my hand away from his face. His eyes followed the bracelet on my wrist. His lips twitched upwards forming a smile as his eyes met mine. I mentally face-palmed myself. I could’ve worn the damn thing on the plane tomorrow when nobody would see me.

  “Em” he whispered looking deep into my eyes “I was hoping we could talk”

  “Sure” I replied “I needed to talk to you anyway” I grabbed his wrist, leading him to a room upstairs to tell him about me moving to France tomorrow. We sat down on the bed, none of us saying a word.

  “Emily,” he finally said “I miss you. I know that we’re not getting back together anytime soon, but just know that I’ll keep on doing whatever it takes to get you back. I don’t care how long it takes; I swear to you that I’ll never stop fighting for you. I can’t even look at other girls, Em, no matter how hard I try to. I love you and I probably always will. I can’t stop thinking about you even if I want to. I’m going to keep on trying to get you back no matter how hard it gets.”

  “Harry” I finally interrupted him with teary eyes “I’m leaving to Paris tomorrow” I watched as his face turned completely white “My mother offered me an internship at a magazine, and I just couldn’t say no.” He was expressionless and utterly silent “The boys are coming with me to the airport tomorrow, and I hope you’ll come with us” He didn’t say anything. He just stood up and turned his back to me rubbing his temple.

  “So you’re just going to run away again?” he finally said turning around with an angry expression.

  “I’m not running away! There’s nothing left for me here in London”

  “What about Jasmine? What about your sister and father? Zayn? The boys? College?” he yelled angrily “What about me? Us? Don’t run away again just because things are getting difficult.”

  “THINGS AREN’T DIFFICULT SINCE WE’RE OVER” I snapped back “YOU FUCKED ANOTHER GIRL, HARRY. THERE’S NOTHING MORE TO IT.” I swung the door open and left before he could see me cry. I raced to the bathroom locking the door behind me. The loud music pounded in my ears as I whimpered silently. I looked at the mirror at my make-up stained face. I wiped it off and waited until my face looked natural again. I plastered a huge smile on my face and went back downstairs.

  The smell of alcohol was piercing. I looked back at Jasmine who was drunk and clinging onto Niall who was drunk as well. Zayn was also piss-drunk as he grinded against a girl on the dance floor. Liam and Danielle were also on the dance floor, but they weren’t drunk since Liam was the designated driver. Louis and Eleanor were nowhere to be found and neither was Harry.

  I grabbed a drink and slouched onto the couch observing as people danced wildly and laughed obnoxiously.

  “Hey there” Lila sang as she slouched next to me. I really wasn’t in the mood to talk to Lila right now “Why so grumpy, cuz?” she asked cheerfully.

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