Chapter 22

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Harry’s POV:

  We were all going out tonight to celebrate our first night back in London. We were going to this newly opened club. Danielle, Eleanor, Jasmine, and Emily were all coming with us. Emily and I still haven’t talked since she blew up in my face this afternoon. I pulled up in front of the club as the lads got out a bit too excitedly. I looked behind me to find the girls’ car pulling up as well. They all rushed out of the car to greet the lads, except for Emily who got out of the car obviously still in her grumpy mood. I watched as she hugged all of the boys, and then whispered something into Zayn’s ear. Zayn nodded at her then patted her shoulder. What was going on here? I caught up to them as we entered the club and made ourselves comfortable at a booth. They all gulped their drinks quickly before making their ways to the dance floor immediately except for Zayn, Emily and I. The bartender came and asked what we’d like to drink.

  “I’ll just have a Coke, thanks” she told the bartender uneasily.

  “I’ll have a Coke as well” Zayn piped in. She looked at him smiling, and he nodded his head with a small grin. So now they had a no drinking club of their own as well as the peanut butter club? So be it.

  “I’ll have 6 of your best shots” I told the bartender eyeing Emily who was shooting daggers with her eyes. She hated it when I got wasted and that was exactly what I was planning to do. If she was going to act like this, make a fuss about nothing, then refusing to even tell me what the fuck was wrong, then there was nothing I could do about it.  As our drinks arrived, I gulped my shots down quickly “This one’s for you, Em” I yelled groggily as I drank the last shot. I hope she and Zayn enjoy their Cokes. I took my blazer off and made my way to the dance floor, getting lost in the music. I looked back at Emily who wasn’t even looking my direction. Instead, she was having a conversation with Zayn. Zayn has always been the first of all of us to get drunk, why the sudden change of character? I was confused, hurt, angry, frustrated, and lost, and the alcohol just intensified all of that.

Emily’s POV:

  I watched as Harry laughed obnoxiously trying to keep his balance as he sipped from the drink in his hand. This must have been the 11th one. A group of girls all wearing skin-tight and super-short dresses surrounded him. He was about to trip again, but some bleach-blonde whore grabbed him by the waist. He gulped down the rest of his drink and demanded another one. I waited anxiously for Zayn to return from the restroom so he could stop Harry from poisoning himself. Finally, I couldn’t stand the sight of him wasted and surrounded by bitches. I stood up and marched towards Harry’s direction pushing past all of the smoke and the piercing scent of alcohol.

  “Look who finally decides to show up” Harry said when he saw me approaching him.

  “Harry, can I talk to you for a second?” I asked him pulling him away from the group of drooling girls.

  “Aw, Harrrrrrry don’t go” one of them protested pushing her bottom lip out, attempting to make a cute sad face but failing miserably.

  “YOU CAN SUCK MY NON-EXISTENT DICK, OKAY?” I yelled as I turned around to face her. I wasn’t really the type of girl that got into catfights, but Harry was an exception. He was mine, and I didn’t intend on sharing him. They made some skanky remarks, but I couldn’t hear them over the sound of the music “What the heck is wrong with you?” I snapped at him as soon as we were far away from the crowd of people.

  “What’s wrong with me? You’re the one who’s been acting strange!” Harry yelled angrily.

  “I’m doing this for your own good, Harry!” I told him, trying to hold back the tears. This could ruin Harry’s life and career, and not just Harry’s; One Direction’s career.

  “Why can you talk to Zayn and not me?” he asked, and I could hear the pain in his voice.

  “Harry, I—” before I could finish my sentence, my stomach flipped upside down. I covered my mouth with my hand as I ran towards the bathroom. I reached the nearest toilet and threw up. I felt large hands holding my hair up as I continued puking.

“I’m here” Harry told me reassuringly obviously starting to sober up a bit. That was it; I had to tell him the truth tonight.

Harry’s POV:

 Emily was driving us back to her house claiming that she was going to tell me the truth about everything. I fidgeted nervously in my seat getting more and more anxious as we got closer to the house. Whatever it was, it was obviously something terrible. Zayn’s facial expression was indescribable when Emily told him that we were going back to her place to ‘talk’. Had Emily cheated on me with Zayn? We pulled up in front of her house and went inside. I walked quickly, anxious to hear what she had to say to me. I tried to sober up as much as I can so I could hear everything clearly. We sat down on the sofa. I stared at Emily who stared at her hands and waited for her to say something.

  “Well?” I asked.

  “Harry” she began as she placed her hand on mine “I…I…I think…you know when…I don’t…”

  “Emmie” I whispered placing my hand on her cheek “Whatever it is you’re worried about; we’ll get through it. It’s me and you against the world, remember?” I smiled at her trying to make her feel safe and comfortable.

  “I think I’m pregnant” she quickly spat out. I heard the words, but I couldn’t exactly respond.

  “What do you mean pregnant?” I asked her “Are you sure?”

  “I took a pregnancy test and it turned out positive” she said with tears streaming down her face “but I’m not sure, so I’m going to run some tests. The appointment isn’t until next week” I buried my face into my palms. This was a disaster. I heard Emily’s whimpers as she cried. I wanted to hold her and to tell her that everything was okay, but it wasn’t. I was only 18 years old; I wasn’t ready to have a baby.

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