Chapter 7

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“Emily, I need to tell you something”

My heart started beating ten times faster anticipating what Harry was about to say “Okay?” I told him.

“Emily, I—“

“Oh my God, it’s that guy from One Direction!” some girl behind us squealed. She and her four friends approached the table.

“Oh my God, Harry I love you so much!” one of them said

“Oh, but I love you more than she does! I’m like your biggest fan ever!”

They could pass for 15, or 16 max. They continued to gush about how much they love Harry and his band while I just sat there awkwardly. They also took many pictures, including some with Harry kissing them on the cheek and vice versa.

“Can you please say hi to Natasha?” one of the girls with a video camera asked.

“Hi Natasha” he said cheerfully and signed a few more autographs “I’m sorry girls, but we better get going. It was nice meeting you all” He motioned for me to get up so we can leave. A few glares from the girls followed me out of the restaurant but I shook them off.

“Well you don’t see that everyday” I told him as we walked towards his car.

“Yeah” he said “I’m still not used to it”

“So what were you about to say back in there?”

“Oh” he said “Um, nothing; I just wanted to tell you how much I’ve missed spending time with you” he gave me a friendly pat on the back.

“Oh” I said kind of disappointed. What did I expect him to tell me? That he wants to get back together? I think that ship sailed a long time ago for Harry.

 After breakfast, we went back to hang out at Harry’s flat. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous before meeting the rest of One Direction.

“Honey, I’m home” Harry yelled as we entered his apartment. I laughed lightly as I followed Harry into the living room where two of them were playing Xbox, and a boy and a girl were cuddling on the sofa “Guys, I want you to meet someone. This is Emily. Emily, this is Niall, and you already know Zayn, and the two lovebirds on the couch are Louis and Eleanor”

“Hey there” Niall said as he stood up to greet me.

“Hi” I gave him my hand to shake but then he pushed it away and embraced me into a hug.

“We don’t do handshakes around here” he said in the cutest Irish accent I’ve heard “We only do hugs”

“Where’s Liam?” Harry asked.

“He and Danielle went out for lunch” Niall told him.

“So YOU’RE the Emily from the picture” Louis said.

“Um yeah I guess I am” I said looking at Harry weirdly. Harry widened his eyes at Louis embarrassed “Well I hope he didn’t say anything bad about me” I joked.

“Are you kidding? All he ever talked about was how wonderful and funny you are” Niall added. I smiled at Harry, and he smiled back putting his arm around my shoulder.

“Aww, so you two are back together again?” Eleanor asked. Harry told them about me?

“Uh no we’re not—“

“We’re just friends” Harry told them. Everyone in the room went silent. I suddenly felt subconscious of Harry’s arm around me in front of people I don’t know, then I mentally slapped myself; this is Harry, I’ve known him before all of these people, I shouldn’t feel nervous about his arm around me.

“So we’re all going to the boardwalk tonight” Zayn said breaking the ice “Do you want to come, Emily?”

“Yeah, I’d love to”

“Great” he said smiling.

“Is that Call of Duty?” I asked.

“Um, yeah it is. Don’t tell me you know how to play” Niall said.

“Are you kidding? I love it”

“Well bet you can’t beat ME” Niall said.

“You’re so on” Zayn handed me the controller and we started the game. An hour later Zayn, Niall, and I were still going at it. Up until now, I beat Niall 2 times and I beat Zayn 3 times. I was actually really enjoying myself.


 I shot daggers at them gathered around the Xbox. Emily was crammed between Niall and Zayn on the beanbags while I was sitting back here with Louis and Eleanor who were constantly kissing and saying the corniest things to each other. Emily came here to hang out with ME, not with Zayn and Niall. What if she starts falling for one of them? What do I do then?

 “STOP RUNNING AWAY FROM ME” Emily told Niall laughing her butt off.

“Well you wouldn’t stop shooting at me, and I refuse to lose to you again” he told her. Why was I so unhappy with the fact that she was getting along greatly with my friends? After Niall lost to her (again) Emily handed the controller to Zayn. She looked back at me and smiled. I gave her the best smile I could. She got off the beanbags and came and sat next to me.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

‘I am now that you’re here next to me’ I thought, but instead I said “yeah, I’m great” She grinned at me and leaned her head against my chest. I hoped that she couldn’t hear the beat of my heart getting louder and louder. I placed my chin on her head and inhaled the beautiful and familiar fruity smell of her hair. My head was a complete mess. Was I still in love with Emily, or was everything I ever felt for her masked by the sadness I’d felt when she left me?

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