Chapter 24

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  I grabbed my bag and rushed towards the door. I had to go fix things with Harry. I was taken aback when I found Harry standing in my driveway.

  “Harry” I said out of breath, rushing towards him “Harry, I need to—”

  “No, Emily” he said silencing me “Just hear me out first; I was wrong. Immensely wrong. I shouldn’t have run the minute I felt scared. I love you, Emily and I’ll stand by you no matter what, and if I was to father someone’s baby I’m glad it’s yours. If we’re going to have a child, then just know that she’s going to be the only person I’ll love as much as you. You’re my number one priority no matter what, and I hope you never forget that” the tears in his eyes glistened in the sun. I smiled at what he’d just said.

  “Harry” I whispered “I’m not pregnant”

  “What?” he asked.

  “I got my period this morning. Turns out the pregnancy test was wrong after all”

  “Oh my God” he sighed as he pulled me in, holding me close “That’s such a relief” I let out a small chuckle of joy as I let a tear stream down my cheek “But I still mean every word I said” he said looking me in the eye. I pressed my lips against Harry’s, feeling their familiar warmth.


  I rested my head against Harry’s chest as we watched re-runs of friends. Everything fell right back into place. He laughed loudly at something Ross had said which caused me to laugh as well.

  “Have I ever told you how much I love your laugh?” I asked him.

  “Hm, I don’t think you’ve ever mentioned it” he said smirking as he leaned in for a kiss. I smiled as I kissed him back, slightly giggling. I tugged on his shirt pulling him closer. Our lips didn’t move or anything, they were just pressed against each other which felt really nice. We pulled away when Harry’s phone started vibrating. He took a look at the screen and turned pale. I took a look and felt the blood rush to my face with anger.

  “Why the heck is Tiffany calling you?” I asked sitting up “How does she even have your number?”

  “Babe, I swear I have no idea” he stammered pressing the decline button “We must have exchanged numbers a really long time ago.”

  “So nothing’s going on between you two?” I asked him.

  “Of course not” he replied instantly, frowning “You’re my one and only, and you know that”

  “Pinky promise?” I asked sticking my pinky out.

  “Pinky promise” he said smiling, intertwining his pinky with mine and kissing his hand. I ran my hand through his hair, grinning widely. He mischievously and moved closer and closer to me.

  “Harry…” I said suspiciously, moving away. He jumped on top of me and tickled me all over. I let out yelps, calling for help before I pinched his butt which caused him to jump up. I tried to pin him down, but he wasn’t the same scrawny 16-year-old I could overcome. He held my wrists and pinned me down on the couch, laying on top of me.

  “SURRENDER” he yelled.

  “NEVER” I tried to say while laughing and gasping for air. He continued to tickle me until I couldn’t take it anymore “OKAY FINE, I SURRENDER. I SURRENDER”

  “Good” he said triumphantly “Now give me a kiss” I pecked his lips before I pushed him off and onto the ground.

   “You’re an idiot, have I ever told you that?” I told him out of breath.

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