Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning with a headache. I looked up and around the room to find Harry changing his clothes. He looked back and saw that I was awake.

“You’re leaving?” I asked rubbing my head.

“Yeah” he said slipping his shirt on and sitting on the side of my bed “You’ve done enough for me, and I can’t thank you enough” He smiled and placed his palm on my cheek, drawing circles on my neck with his fingers.

“Well can you stay for breakfast at least?”

“No, I don’t want to intrude”

“You’re not! You can thank me by helping me make breakfast” he looked a little hesitant “Plus I don’t want to deal with my hung over sister alone”

“Okay, I’ll stay; but only for breakfast” I smiled as I grabbed his hand and made our way to the kitchen. I took out the bacon, mashed potato mix, and some eggs. I also tried not to think about the weird dream I had yesterday. It all seemed so real though; the image of White Eskimo singing on stage looked exactly like the first time I’ve seen them.

I poured the oil into the frying pan then laid the bacon strips on it carefully. I looked at Harry who was making the eggs. He caught my eye and smiled. We haven’t exactly talked about what last night was and I don’t think we were going to. We were more than friends, but we weren’t exactly in a relationship either.

I grabbed the phone and ordered a cab for Harry since the tow truck would take forever.

“So” he started “Yesterday was…interesting” I looked at him as he avoided eye-contact and continued with his cooking.

“Um, yeah” I tucked my hair behind my ear and started setting up the table.

“Look” he said standing in front of me so we were eye to eye “I think it’s pretty obvious that I still have some feelings for you” I felt my heart drop in an instant “but we can both agree on the fact that we both…need to sort our feelings out before anything happens”

“I completely agree” I said, well more like whispered. We both just stood there not saying a word. Harry looked deep into my eyes, it almost seemed like he was looking into my soul with his beautiful green eyes.

“I’m just glad you’re back in my life, Em. I missed my best friend.” Best friend.

“Yeah” I said out of breath “Me too” he pulled me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close. Why was I so disappointed? I guess I kind of expected him to…I don’t know…react differently? I feared the fact that I was probably still in love with Harry when he was moving on, but there was nothing I could do about it. He said it himself; we both need to sort our feelings out, but what if he ‘sorts out’ his feelings and realizes that he feels nothing for me? What do I do then? Just stick around and watch Harry move on with his life while I’m hung up on a mistake that I’ve made two years ago?

I placed the two mugs of tea on the table as we both sat down and started eating.

“What are your plans for today?” he asked taking a bite of the bacon.

“Nothing, I’ll probably just hang out with Scar today. What about you?”

“There’s a signing at the mall today. I was thinking maybe we can go hang out some place tonight?”

“Sure” I said smiling “What do you have in mind?”

“I don’t know, I’ll let you know tonight”

“EMILY” Amanda yelled at the top of her lungs. I rolled my eyes. I do not want to deal with her and her hangover right now.

“Give me two seconds” I told Harry as I ran upstairs and into Amanda’s room “What do you want?” I snapped at her.

“Woah, someone took her bitch flakes this morning. Can you make me a cup of coffee please?”

“No” I told her still mad at her for yesterday “Go get your own coffee” I slammed the door and went back downstairs to find Harry cleaning up the table.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yeah, it’s just my sister being her usual self”

We heard the cab honking outside. “Well, I better get going or else my manager is going to flip out on me for being late”

“Oh, okay” I said in a disappointed tone. He grabbed the plates and places them in the sink and started washing them “Come on, you don’t have to. You’re going to be late” I pulled him by the arm towards the door.

“It’s just a few dishes”

“Don’t worry, I can handle them” I said sarcastically.

He chuckled as he stood by the door “Bye, Em. I’ll see you tonight, and again; thanks for everything. You’re a great friend” he embraced me into a hug. I flinched at the word friend.

“You’re welcome anytime, Haz” I told him. Harry pulled away, but his hands were still on my shoulders. He gazed into my eyes with his and I couldn’t quite determine what the look in his eyes was. My eyes traveled from his beautiful eyes to his voluptuous lips again. Our heads were leaning closer and closer, then Harry closed the gap between us and our lips were pressed against each other. I had my hands on Harry’s neck as he held me by the waist and pulled me closer. Our lips moved in sync and I swear I could see fireworks. We didn’t let go of each other except for when we pulled away to gasp for air. I could still smell his same old fragrance Bleu de Chanel which drove me crazy. He gave me one last peck before pulling away.

 We both had the look of confusion in our eyes as we processed what had just happened.

“I’ll, uh, see you tonight?” he said stepping backwards.

“Mhm” I said trying to talk as sternly as I can. He smiled at me as he walked to the cab. I closed the door and slid down on the ground. So much for being ‘just friends’.

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