Chapter 9

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When we left the carnival, it was almost midnight. Harry and I were in his car listening to Coldplay. Harry was singing along to the song ‘Charlie Brown’ with his magical voice. Of course, I was singing along as well but I sounded like a dying walrus. I stopped singing and listened to Harry singing.

 “Why are you looking at me like that?” he asked.

“I don’t know” I told him smiling “I just love listening to you sing” It was a chilly night, so I tugged both of my hands into Harry’s blazer which I was still wearing. I inhaled the smell of it, which was Harry’s smell and the smell I liked most.

He held my hand and serenaded me dramatically “We’ll run wiiiillldd” he sang. I laughed and buried my face into my palm “We’ll be glowing in the darrrrk”

“All the boys” Isang along with him “all the girls, all the madness in the world” we were singing at the top of our lungs now “ALL THE BOYS, ALL THE GIRLS, ALL THE MADNESS THAT OCCURS”

“I’m going to take you to a Coldplay concert someday” he told me.

“You make a lot of promises, Styles” I told him jokingly.

“I’m not joking; I cross my heart and hope to die if I don’t take you to a Coldplay concert one of these days”

“Pinky promise?” I asked him holding my pinky out.

“Promise” he said intertwining his finger with mine as he pulled up in front of my house.

“I had a great time today” I told him as we stood in front of my door.

“Yeah, me too” I started taking the blazer off to give it back to him when he stopped me.

“I want you to keep it” he said holding me by my shoulders.

“But it’s your favorite blazer…”

“And you’re my favorite girl, so it matches perfectly”

A million questions went through my mind when he said that. Was he joking or was he serious? What did he mean by that? Should I tell him everything that’s been going through my mind lately? Why is he acting like this when we’re not even together?

 My heart was racing as Harry stared deeply into my eyes. My eyes trailed down to his luscious lips, then back to his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something when we heard honking and some loud music. I looked behind me to find Tiffany’s white convertible Porsche.

 ‘Perfect timing’ I thought to myself. Amanda, Tiffany, and that another friend of Amanda’s got out of the car and started walking towards us. My sister was obviously drunk while the others looked a bit tipsy.

“I’m sorry, did we interrupt anything?” Tiffany snickered waving her long, blonde hair.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked them.

“Oh, nothing; we drove Amanda here home. Fancy running into you again, Harry” she stood next to him and put her hand on his shoulder and started rubbing it. Harry smirked at her and turned around to face her as if I wasn’t even there. Soon, they all gathered around him in a circle, including Amanda who looked like she was about to pass out any second now. Even if she was drunk at the moment, Amanda knew deep down what Harry was to me. She always beat me at everything, and I didn’t really mind most of the time. She had pretty blonde hair while mine was plain brown. People like my hazel eyes, but they were no match to her greenish blue ones. I had good grades at school and had a lot of friends, but I never held the status Amanda once did at high school. She had a perfect body with boobs and an ass and everything while I was a B-cup with barely any curves. As I said, I never let it get to me until now. Harry was the one thing I wasn’t going to let Amanda and her friends take away from me.

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