Chapter 34

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 I woke up the next morning with a pounding in my head, which immediately made me regret the amount of drinks I’d had last night. I rolled over, groaning with pain and slipped my sunglasses on to prevent the sunlight from reaching my barely open eyes. I collided with another body and turned around to find a head of curls and a bare muscled back sleeping peacefully. I started panicking trying to remember what had happened last night. I took a peek under the sheets to see if he had any underwear on, and I was relieved to find a pair of Calvin Klein boxers hiding his modesty.

  I sat up rubbing my throbbing head. What happened last night? And if Harry’s here, where the heck was Scarlett? The last thing I remember from last night was the kiss Harry and I had shared at the club. I stood in front of the mirror checking for any signs of what could have happened last night such as love bites or bruises, but all I saw was my messed up hair, ruined make-up, and Harry’s over-sized shirt stretching all the way down below my underwear.

  I rummaged through my suitcase for a pair of pajama shorts and walked downstairs thinking I’d get some answers from someone else in the house. I grabbed whatever liquid I could find in the fridge, trying to get rid of the horrible hangover.

  “Morning” I said cheerily as Jasmine staggered down the stairs looking like death itself “You look bright this morning” I told her, taking a sip of the water.

  “Oh shut up” Jasmine snapped rubbing her head “Niall just wouldn’t go to sleep. He kept going at it all night long” I lightly patted her shoulder and walked outside to the patio sitting in the shade. I could the faint sound of music coming from a distant beach. I tied my hair up and leaned my head back against the chair when I heard the door sliding open.

  “Good morning” Harry said groggily, closing the door behind him and taking a seat next to me. He had his aviator sunglasses on and was drinking a beer obviously trying to get rid o the hangover as well. He’d slipped a white t-shirt and his pajama pants on but still managed to look like sex on a stick with his messed up curls “How are you?”

  “Better” I told him “I just need a cup of iced water and I’ll be fine” my mouth salivating at the thought of ice-cold water. I wanted to ask him about what had happened last night, hoping he would be able to fill in the gaps missing from my memory but I feared he knew something I would regret finding out, “So last night…we um…?”

  “No” he replied casually “Scarlett and Zayn got lucky last night, so I was kicked out of my bedroom” he said chuckling and sipping on his beer.

  “Scarlett and Zayn?” I asked gaping at him. They couldn’t stand being in the same room together “So nothing happened between us last night?” I asked not wanting to change the subject.

  “Nothing more than a kiss at the club” he replied reassuringly. I nodded my head in relief. A kiss was minor compared to what could’ve happened last night. I looked back at Harry who stared at the ocean uncomfortably. He looked at me and gave me an uneasy smile.


Harry’s POV:

  The rays of sun hit my exposed shoulder and I could feel a sunburn forming.  I folded my arms against the edge and grabbed the ice cold drink waiting for me on the side. 

“EMILY” I groaned, flicked water in the direction of Emily’s body laying on the floatie in the middle of the pool directly in front of me. Her naturally tanned skin (thanks to her Spanish roots) glowed in the blaring sunlight, and her long brown hair glowed as small beads of water trickled on it. Her gorgeous green eyes sparkled every time she laughed or smiled. If her face wasn’t enough to win over any guy, then her body was surely going to. She was slim, but still had the defining womanly curves many men secretly crave. 

“I need to sleep, leave me alone” Emily grumbled, splashing me with some water. It’s been weird lately. We decided that we’d spend more time together this summer to fix things, but we’re hardly ever together.

“Harry, you were with Emily last night. Why is she so tired?” Scarlett asked from her sun bed, sipping on a maritini and reading a magazine.

“They were making out in the club” Zayn yelled. I spun around in the water pushing a splash of water in his direction and glaring at him across the pool.

“Shut up, Zayn!” Emily suddenly snapped.

  “As if you and Scarlett haven’t been getting it on last night” I added.

  “You’re just jealous you haven’t had any since you spent the night with that 30 year old” Zayn said, an evil smile forming on his face. I was furious with Zayn for mentioning that in front of Emily, but he was already half drunk and couldn’t contain himself properly.

“Shut up, Zayn” I warned. I looked back at Emily who had her eyes closed, but I knew she was listening to the whole conversation. Things got silent afterwards. I looked at Zayn who was half-drunk and couldn’t really be blamed for what he was saying. I swam towards Emily and rested my arms on her floatie.

 Feeling bad for the whole 30-year old thing, I chuckled and tickled her foot lightly causing her to squeal and wriggle her legs violently trying to kick my hands away. “Harry!”

 I tugged on her legs, pulling her body down the floatie.

“Harry!…S-stop!” Emily squealed, but I heard her giggle through her protests and finally she grabbed my hands stopping me from tickling her. She let out a final laugh before licking her lips and fixing her eyes on mine.

  “So,” I started “I was thinking of taking you out tonight. Like on a real date.”

  “Is Harold Edward Styles asking ME out on a date?” she asked, fake swooning.

  “Yes” I laughed “And I’m serious. We’ll go somewhere nice. Just the two of us.”

  “I’d love that” she said in a low voice, running a hand through my wet curls.

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