Chapter 4

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  We pulled up in front of Cable after we picked up two of our other friends. They both quickly raced out of the car and into the club.

 “Are you okay?” Scarlett asked.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Now let’s go party” I said trying to sound as cheerful as possible. Scarlett gave me the biggest smile and then stepped out of the car. I sighed heavily before following her. Honestly, I wasn’t in the mood for this at all, but Scarlett was right; I needed this. Harry was probably in L.A. right now sleeping with models while I was here moping around. The place was super-crowded. Katie and Alyssa, the two friends who came here, were nowhere to be found, so Scarlett and I sat on this booth.

 “I’m going to go get some drinks, okay?” she asked me.

“Yeah sure” I said making myself comfortable since I knew I wasn’t leaving this booth for most of the night. After Scarlett was gone, I drifted into my memories again.

July 2010:

 It’s been 3 weeks since Harry and met. We’ve been hanging out almost every day since. We occasionally held hands and kissed each other on the cheek, but we also weren’t dating or anything. Harry was different than any other boy I’ve met. He was really loud and funny, but so quiet and mysterious at the same time.

I was soundly asleep on a Sunday morning when he barged in.

“Wake up, lazy ass!” he said pulling the covers off me. I groaned and pulled them back on “Come on, Em! It’s 10 AM and we’re supposed to go to the beach today”

“We’ll go after an hour” I said to him stuffing my face into my pillow. He threw himself on the bed next to me.

 “Emiiilllllyyyyy” he nagged “Emmiiiiiiiillllllllyyyyyyyy” he started poking and tickling me.

“Quit it, Haz”

“Fine, you left me with no choice” I suddenly found myself being picked up and carried to the bathroom. I was screaming and laughing at the same time.

 “Put me down or else!” I tried to say even though it came out muffled from all the laughing “Okay, fine I surrender, I’ll go get dressed”

He put me down in front of the bathroom door and had the cheekiest smile ever.

“I hate you” I said jokingly.

“I love you too” he said as he gave me a peck on the cheek “Now hurry up” I grabbed my bikini, jean shorts, a t-shirt, my sunglasses, and put them on as fast as I can. I looked at my hair which was a complete mess, and then I decided that I didn’t need to make it look pretty since we’re going into the water anyway.

 “Ready” I said stepping out of the bathroom and into my room. I caught Harry looking at a picture of me when I was three years old with the goofiest smile on his face “Where’d you find that?”

“I don’t know, it was just lying around. Have I ever told you that you were the cutest baby ever?”

I tried not to blush “You can have it if you want. There are tons of copies of that picture”

 “Are you sure?”

 “Yeah, if it stays here it’s going to get lost eventually. Now come on, let’s go to the beach” I said pulling his arm down the stairs and towards the door.

 After a one hour drive, we finally go to the beach. I raced out of the car and towards the shore like a kid on Christmas morning. I looked back and motioned for Harry to hurry up.

 “Come on, Haz. The water feels amazing” He laid our stuff down on the sand, then took his shirt off and stood beside me. Harry put his arm around me and pulled me close. I smiled and laid my head against his shoulder when suddenly I found myself being scooped up and rushed into the water.

 “Harry Edward Styles!” I yelled standing up “You are so dead!” I took my clothes off and flung them on the sand then dunked Harry’s head under the water. We splashed around for about thirty minutes or so until we finally cooled down. There weren’t many people on the beach even though it was a lovely day. The drops of water on Harry’s face were glistening in the sun and his hair was pushed back. Even though his hair was wet, his curls still managed to show somehow. We were both quiet and staring into each other’s eyes. He held my face in his hands gently and rubbed my neck with his thumb. He was leaning in closer slowly, making sure that this was what I wanted. I found myself leaning in as well until our lips met. My heart was skipping beats as he pulled me closer by the waist. I felt him smile throughout the kiss and couldn’t help but smile as well. I prayed that this moment would never end.


“EMILY!” Alyssa called out walking my way with a guy behind her. She and the guy sat in front of me “This is Zayn” she said pointing at the guy. Oh great, another guy Alyssa wants to hook me up with “Zayn, this is my friend, Emily”

  “Hey there” he said smiling sweetly.

 “Hi, nice to meet you” I said kind of awkwardly. Where have I seen him before? It was kind of hard to see since there was barely any light. Then it hit me; One Direction. This was Harry’s band mate.

 “Zayn’s in a band! How cool is that?” Alyssa squealed. Zayn just smiled taking in the glory of Alyssa’s amusement.

 “That’s…awesome” I said. Wait, if Zayn was here, then odds are HE’S here too “Um, you know what Alyssa? I’m really tired and I should probably head back home” I did not want to run into Harry right now. I don’t think he even remembers me.

 “Don’t go, Em” Alyssa said grabbing my arm “Just get to know Zayn here a little better”

 “I’m sure that would be lovely but—“

“Zayn, where have you been man?” I knew that voice too well. This is what I wanted to avoid. I tried to hide my face as much as I can. I pretended to be texting and hid my face with my hair.

 “I just sat here” Zayn told him. Shit shit shit “Emily, this is my band mate, Harry Emily, Emily Harry”

 I looked up at Harry who was now staring in shock and disbelief. He had his arm around some girl in a red dress and I suddenly felt a stab of jealousy. Harry looked much taller than the last time I saw him. His hair also became longer and less curly. His shoulders were broader and he was much muscular.

 “Emily? What are you doing here?” was all he managed to say.

 “Wait, you two know each other?” Zayn asked.

“Y-yeah” I said “We used to know each other” The tension in the air was extravagant.

“We actually dated back in Holmes Chapel” Harry said not breaking eye contact with me once. Alyssa just looked at me with a shocked expression, I simply nodded my head in agreement.

 “Hi. I’m Kaylee” The blonde in red said breaking the ice. I just smiled at her as best as I could. I should’ve stayed at home and none of this would have happened.

 “I was actually just headed home” I said sliding out of the booth “Good night” I walked out of the club as quickly as possible fighting back the tears in my eyes. He hated me. I just knew it from the way he was glaring at me. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

 “Not now, Alyssa” I said shrugging it off.

 “It’s me” he said. I turned around and faced him. I’ve thought of what I’d say to him everyday since I last saw him if I ever saw him again, but I was absolutely speechless right now.

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