Chapter 55

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  “I’m sorry, I don’t know what was going through my mind when I came here” I said backing up “I won’t bother you again” I turned around to leave, hoping I could keep bits of what’s left of my pride. I was about to walk out when I almost bumped into a figure. I looked up at a tall person with huge shoulders and golden hair that was pushed back. His eyes darted back and forth from me to Emily. I remember this guy. This was him. This was Emily’s boyfriend.

  1 Year Ago:

 I walked through the streets with my head down, hoping no one would recognize or take pictures of me. No one could know I was here. Even if it was pouring rain, I was still paranoid so I pulled my hood up hiding my face. I promised myself I wouldn’t do this, but here I was on a cold January afternoon walking to her apartment. I also promised myself I would stop writing to her after the third letter, but still, four more letters were written.

  She hasn’t responded to any of my previous ones, and I didn’t want to believe that she was ignoring them purposely. I always made up excuses in my mind like ‘Maybe I sent them to the wrong address’ or ‘The post probably lost them’, but I made sure that she got this one since I put it in her mailbox with my own two hands yesterday, but I decided that I wasn’t going to be a wuss puss anymore and go and confront her face to face. I wanted to tell her that words couldn’t even begin to describe how much I’d missed her. Ask her why she never wrote back.  That I still loved her with all my heart. That her face hadn’t escaped my mind even for a day in the past two years; everything.

  After a thirty minute walk, her apartment was in my view. I could hear the thumping in my chest quicken with every extra step I took. I stood in front of her building, mustering up the courage to ring the buzzard to her apartment. My eyes lingered at her kitchen’s window for a second when her figure appeared. I wanted to dart right at that moment, but it was like my feet were glued to the floor.

  Her long, silky chestnut hair was tied into a low bun that was resting on her shoulder. She was washing a couple of dishes with a smile plastered on her face as she turned around every five seconds obviously speaking to someone. I was about to walk into the building when a tall guy with blond hair crept up from behind her and kissed her neck, then made his way to her lips.

   It was like the world around me was shattering. I could feel my throat tightening with jealousy. I instantly turned around ready to leave as fast as possible. It pained my heart to look at them, literally. Seeing her with another guy felt like a slap to my face. What was I thinking when I’d assumed that she was still single? Or that she hadn’t moved on like I should? Coming here was an absolute mistake that I should never repeat.

  “Babe” Emily said walking towards the guy, her voice bringing me back to reality “What are you doing here?” she asked him nervously, placing her hand on his waist making my body cringe with jealousy.

  “I forgot my cell phone at your place” he told her with his eyes fixed on me. We both glared each other down. From the look in his eyes, he knew exactly who I was.

  “Um, Caleb this is Harry” she introduced us to break the tension “Harry, this is my boyfriend, Caleb” I could hear the slight croak in her voice and the nervousness. None of us said a word to another “Come on, let’s go get your phone” Emily said gently, tugging on Caleb’s arm pulling him out of the room. I could hear them arguing upstairs. I gulped my throat, cursing myself for coming here in the first place. I walked around, taking a look at her paintings trying to distract myself from the huge mess I’d caused. Oh God, what if Madison finds out I’m here? I’d have to tell her sooner or later.

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