Chapter 46

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 I woke up the next day with huge black sacks under my eyes. I groaned, rolling out of bed. I grabbed my phone checking if there were any new messages from Harry; nothing.

 “Harry, please pick up. I love you:(x” I texted him (again).

I’ve been sending him messages and calling him since last night’s fight, but he wasn’t answering my phone calls or picking up. I couldn’t stand myself when we were in a fight, and I was pretty harsh on him last night. This was his job and there was nothing he could do about it. I got out of bed, throwing sweatpants, an over-sized sweater, and a beanie on to go put the final touches on the exhibition. I was immensely nervous about tonight, and not talking to Harry made it 100 times worse. I just slapped some foundation on my face, made coffee, and headed out towards the studio. I needed to suck up my feelings tonight and focus.


Later that night, the exhibition had started and my hands were sweating like crazy. So many people were coming tonight, including my Mum from Paris, and I didn’t want to let them down; Jasmine, Scarlett, Eleanor, Danielle, a bunch of my other friends, my Dad, Amanda and her boyfriend, and my cousins. Niall, Zayn, Liam, and Louis had even called me a couple of hours earlier to wish me luck, but I still hadn’t heard from Harry.

  “Emily!” I heard someone squeal behind me. I turned around to find Jasmine and Scarlett there. I instantly pulled both of them in for a hug. It felt like ages since I’ve last seen them “Everything looks great, Em!” Scarlett said looking around.

  “Thanks” I told her. I showed them around the exhibition, laughing with them about the silliest things just like old times. I felt a hand squeezing my waist and I turned around to find my Mum in her usual black suit and her natural tan from her Spanish roots. She gave me a huge smile before engulfing me into a hug.

  “Everything looks wonderful, darling!” she said, kissing the top of my head.

  “Thank you” I said, letting go of her “Have you seen Amanda?”

  “Yes, I saw her with Daniel a couple of minutes ago” she said, referring to my sister’s boyfriend. It was like Amanda was this whole new person with Daniel. She’d learned how to cook, something she swore she’d never do, became a person who knows how to commit, got a serious job, and started acting like a grown up for a change “Where’s your boyfriend, darling?” my Mum asked “Henry, right?”

  “Harry” I corrected her “And he, um, couldn’t make it tonight. He’s in America” My Mum just nodded her head with the I’m-not-going-to-say-anything-but-I-don’t-like-this look. Harry was already on my Mum and Dad’s bad side and it was just getting worse by the day. It’s bad enough that she’s calling him Henry “Mum, I need to go check on a few things. Call me if you need anything” I told her. She nodded her head, looking around at my art pieces. I took off, wanting to get away from everything for a couple of seconds. I walked around the studio alone. I needed a few moments to myself. This exhibition was going perfectly, but I couldn’t take my mind off Harry. I should’ve been more understanding then this whole thing wouldn’t have happened. I felt a couple of large hands on my waist pulling me closer. I was ready to yelp when I heard a voice that was too familiar.

  “Did you honestly think that I wouldn’t come?” he whispered into my ear, kissing my shoulder tentatively. I turned around to face Harry, throwing my arms around him. He picked me up, twirling me around. A smile from ear-to-ear formed on my face as I gave Harry a huge kiss.

  “You asshole” I said slapping his chest with my purse “You had me worried sick!”

  “I’m sorry” he laughed “I wanted to surprise you” I smiled as he pulled me near him by the waist, kissing my ear.

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