Chapter 33

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I flung my suitcase on the white king-sized bed Scarlett and I were sharing for the summer. The house was absolutely gorgeous. There was a huge pool with a built-in bar, its own beach with a yacht, a pool table, a water-slide, and it was mostly made of glass. Danielle and Liam were sharing a room, Eleanor and Lou were sharing one as well, Niall and Jasmine were together, Scarlett and I shared one too, and finally Zayn and Harry were sharing one.

  I stood on the balcony admiring the beautiful view of the vast blue ocean. I could hear Niall and Zayn chattering loudly in the hallway and the girls laughing, already in the pool. I grabbed my clothes from my suitcase ready to join the rest downstairs.I hurried to the bathroom, shutting it behind me.  

  When I’d gone down, I found them all in the pool with drinks in their hands. Louis and Eleanor were on a floatie together, Scarlett, Jasmine, and Niall were sitting on the bar already drinking, Danielle was tanning on the edge of the pool, and Harry was sitting on a sun bed texting on his phone. I stared at him, wondering who he could be texting right now.

  “Let’s get wet!” Zayn yelled behind me as he pushed me into the pool with my clothes still on. I swam to the surface and took a deep breath.

  “Zayn you dick!” I yelled as I got out of the pool and chased him around. I eventually caught up to him and tried to push him into the pool, but his huge figure was no match to mine, and I was pushed into the water again “You will regret the day you chose to pick on me, Malik!” I threatened him, climbing out of the pool.

  “That’s what you always say” Zayn laughed “But sadly, I’m still waiting for your ‘pay-back’” I gave him the finger and climbed out of the pool once again, taking my soggy clothes off. I could feel Harry’s eyes burning holes in my back.

  “What are you guys still doing here?” Liam asked, clearly panicking “Come on, we need to get on the yacht before the sun sets” We all gathered our things and followed Liam to the yacht. Louis plugged his iPod into the sound system, and we all poured our drinks dancing to ‘Miami to Ibiza’, celebrating the start of summer.

  The girls all climbed up to the top of the yacht to get a start on tanning. We all watched as the boys stood on the edge of the yacht, ready to jump into the water. The first one to jump into the ocean was Niall (of course), followed by Liam, Louis, and Harry. Zayn just sat there on the edge, puffing on a cigarette. This was the perfect opportunity for revenge.

  “I’ll be right back you guys” I told them as I stood up with a bucket of ice in my hands. I couldn’t push Zayn into the water since he had a phobia of it, so I had to settle with something else. I crept up behind Zayn slowly before stuffing the bucket of ice into his shorts. I watched as he jumped up with a squeal, trying to get all of the ice-cubes out of his shorts.

  “And that” I said dropping the ice bucket “is pay-back”.  The boys climbed up to the boat again while Zayn ran inside to get the ice out of his swimming trunks. Liam, Louis, and Niall joined their girlfriends upstairs while Harry dried his hair and grabbed his phone. I was pretty sure he was texting the same person. He hasn’t talked to me, let alone looked at me ever since we’d gotten here. My curiosity concerning the person he was texting drove me crazy. He looked up at me and caught me staring, I quickly looked away embarrassed that he’d caught me looking at him. I looked back to find him smiling and giving me a small wave. I waved back, grinning a bit unsure of myself. I turned away, trying to shake what had happened off when I felt a force pushing me off the boat.

  I landed in the water with a thud, and swam up to the surface to find Zayn laughing his butt off. I was about to curse him out when Eleanor was flung into the water as well.

  “Louis!” she yelled angrily when she swam to the surface. Louis simply chuckled and jumped in as well, engulfing her in his arms. Soon enough, almost all of us were in the water except for Liam, Zayn, and Danielle. I looked back at Harry who looked flawless in the radiating sun. His wet curls and slight tan shone in the sun. He laughed at something Niall had said and dipped his head back, letting out a huge laugh. He caught me looking at him (again) and swam towards me. He grabbed my legs with one arm and held my back with the other as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “Hey there” he whispered, his breath reeking of alcohol. He was tipsy, but not too tipsy.

  “Hi” I whispered back, slightly giggling. I stared at his lip as he pressed them together and bit his lower lip. We were close enough to kiss when he turned his face away.

  “We should get going. The sun is about to set” he told everybody. I pulled out of his reach, a bit disappointed, and swam towards the yacht and climbed up to it. I somehow felt rejected. How could I be so stupid thinking he was about to kiss me back there? I ran my hand through my wet hair, looking for a towel nearby. As everyone climbed onto the boat, Liam cranked the engine and drove back towards the house.


  We ran up the stairs to our bedrooms getting ready for the first wild night in Ibiza. We all quickly rummaged through our clothes and make-up for an hour or so (which was a miracle considering how much time we usually take) and hurried downstairs to the waiting boys.

   As we walked towards the club, Zayn and I walked with our arms linked together singing the randomest songs ever getting into the Ibiza mood. Zayn was already tipsy, as usual. I caught a couple of nasty glares from Harry every now and then. I grabbed his hand as we walked, intertwining our fingers together. 

   As we entered the club, our ears started pounding with music. We all immediately split up. Liam, Danielle, Niall, and Jasmine immediately walked towards the dance floor, while the rest of us went to the bar getting alcohol into our system.

   I could feel Harry’s large hand on the small of my back “Do you want to dance?” he practically had to yell over the sound of the music.

   I nodded and slipped my hand in his leading him to the overcrowded dance floor. It wasn’t difficult to get lost in the music. We danced crazily to the music our hands still together.

  Grabbing my hand tighter he spun me in a circle and pressed my body against his. Our hips stopped moving and we both just stood there on the dance floor, eye to eye. He breathed heavily and I could smell the alcohol in his breath. I opened my mouth to talk, but his lips were already on mine.

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