Chapter 43

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My eyelids fluttered open as I woke up to the sight of Harry putting his boots on. I glanced back at the clock which read 5 A.M. I’d forgotten that he was going hunting with his dad early in the morning. I pulled the sheets over my bare body which trembled with lack of warmth. I watched Harry for a couple of minutes with a grin plastered on my face before his eyes caught mine. He tied his shoelaces and sat down next to me on the bed. “Morning” he said, leaning down to kiss my lips. I smiled, playing with a lock of his hair ad looking into his eyes.

  “Can’t you just stay here for a few more minutes?” I asked him. He smiled and nuzzled his face in my neck, kissing my shoulder softly causing me to go into a fit of laughter. I placed my two hands on his bare back pulling him closer. He finally lifted his head up with his hair all messed up, grinning sweetly. We just lay there for a couple of minutes staring at each other in silence.

  “I love you” he said, rubbing my cheek with his thumb “You’re my everything and I’d do anything for you, and don’t you ever forget that.” I smiled as I leaned in to kiss his lips one last time before he got up and turned around to put his shirt back on. I stared at him for a couple of seconds before the scratch marks on his back caught my eyes immediately. The traces of where my nails were grazed last night showed clearly.

  “Your back” I gasped. “Yeah” Harry laughed, slipping his shirt on and slipping back next to me on the bed “Emily Parker, you are an animal between the sheets” I blushed, a bit embarrassed that I did this to him. He leaned in and kissed me again, I pulled him close until he was under the duvet again with me. He lay on top of me, his lips kissing mine oh so intensively. His hands were all over my body and he planted kisses on my neck as I let out small sounds of pleasure when his phone rang. We both stopped reluctantly. “That’s probably your Dad” I told Harry with his lips still on my neck. Harry groaned like a 5-year-old before he got up and answered his cell phone.

  “Hey Dad” he said, trying to straighten his voice out “Yeah I’m still in the suite…yeah I’ll be downstairs in a few…okay, bye” He gave me one last quick kiss before grabbing his jacket and heading out of the door. I smiled to myself as I lay down on the bed. I fell asleep for a few more hours before I woke up with a smile still plastered on my face. Today was just one of the days that felt absolutely perfect. Those days when I wanted to run around singing Taylor Swift songs at the top of my lungs; usually those days were when mine and Harry’s relationship was going great. I sat up in search for my underwear. I slipped them on and borrowed a blouse from Harry, setting off to the kitchen for coffee. I switched on the television as I made coffee for myself. The reporter was saying something about Cher Lloyd and her engagement. I pitied Cher for a couple of seconds when, ironically, a picture of Harry and me from last night popped up on the screen.

  “In other words,” the reporter started “Teenage heartthrob Harry Styles from One Direction has officially gotten back together with his on and off girlfriend, Emily Parker. We have yet to hear about their reunion from One Direction’s management, but good friends of Emily Parker tell us that she had been devastated after her and Harry’s break up after she’d cheated on him with one of her colleagues at work. She had called Harry after their reunion in Ibiza begging him to get back together with her, and Harry was more than happy to oblige. It’s been a bumpy ride for these young lovers, but we wish them all the be—” I turned off the T.V. before she could even finish her sentence. How do they even come up with this bullshit? I placed my palms on the countertop breathing everything in for a second. I was utterly and extremely happy with Harry, I shouldn’t let this get to me.


After Gemma and I had had lunch and shopped in almost every store in Holmes Chapel, she dropped me off at the hotel again so I could get ready to meet Harry’s father. I was actually calmer than I was yesterday. Harry told me that it was a barbeque, so I didn’t need to dress up like I did last night I stood in front of the bathroom mirror, tying my hair into a ponytail and smudging some make-up on my face; a bit of eyeliner, mascara, bronzer, and lip-gloss. “You look nice” Harry said, placing his hands on my waist, kissing my bare shoulder and neck. I laughed, squirming away from his reach.

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