Chapter 35

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 I rubbed some foundation on my face and applied a bit of mascara, then I drew a small line with eyeliner on my eyelid with a little wing getting ready for my date with Harry. I watched as Jasmine, Scarlett, Danielle, and Eleanor were getting ready for another wild party. I was kind of nervous about tonight, but I shook it off. It wasn’t like this was my first date with him or anything.

  “EMILY!” Scarlett yelled from the other room. She came in running with black eye-shadow all over her eyelid and below her brow “I tried to make my eyes look smoky, but I look like a fucking hooker!” she panicked “Can you please fix it?”

  “Sure” I told her. I motioned for her to sit down as I grabbed my make-up bag and sat down in front of her, taking her make-up off and reapplying it “So” I began “You and Zayn, huh?”

  “UGH!” she exclaimed, making a grimace “Don’t remind me! We were both piss drunk. I wouldn’t sleep with him even if he was the last human being on the face of the Earth!”

  “But you did” I told her.

  “It was a mistake, people!” she said angrily “It will never, ever happen again. Mark my words, Emily Parker!” I laughed as I added the final touches to her make-up “All done.” I told her.

  “Thank you!” she beamed, hopping off the bed “Have fun tonight” she gave me a wink before leaving the room. I rolled my eyes with a smile and made my way downstairs to where Harry was sitting. The boys were waiting for the rest of the girls to come down, as usual. Zayn, Liam, and Niall were crowded around the Xbox with glasses of shots around them while Louis and Harry were sitting in the kitchen apparently having a serious conversation.

  “Finally?” Harry said standing up when he saw me. He placed his hand on the small of my back and kissed me on the cheek “What took you so long?” he asked.

  “Scarlett just wanted me to do her make-up for her” I told him. He nodded his head and grabbed my hand, making his way to the door as we said our good-byes.

  “Don’t get too crazy, you two!” Louis yelled behind us as Harry closed the door behind him.

   We held hands as we walked through the streets of Ibiza choosing a restaurant to dine in. He let go of my hand and placed it on my waist as we continued walking, pulling me towards him making my body collide with his “You look beautiful tonight” he whispered into my ear, his lips slightly brushing against my skin which made shivers run down my spine.

  “You look pretty dapper yourself” I told him, shifting my hand from his upper back to his waist. He smiled as we walked into a traditional Spanish restaurant. Harry led us to a table for two on the balcony which looked out on a great view of Ibiza. The Spanish music pounded in my ears as people on the mini dance floor danced crazily to it. They were mostly couples.

   “I really like this place” I told Harry.

  “Me too” he said smiling as we looked through the menu.

  Forty minutes later, we’d already finished our food and had a couple of shots.

  “Watch closely” I told Harry as I stuffed the cherry stem into my mouth, demonstrating to Harry how to tie it into a knot with my teeth and tongue. He stared at my lips as I struggled with the cherry stem. After I’d finally one it, I held it with my fingers triumphantly.

  “That’s sick” he said laughing “What other talents do you have hiding?” I laughed at my sight was directed towards the group of people dancing. I looked back at Harry with a devious grin.

  “Oh no” he said putting his drink down “I can dance to techno at the club where it’s dark and no one can see me, but I’m not dancing here with bright lights and Spanish music”

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