Chapter 21

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3 weeks later:

  I fidgeted anxiously in my seat, ecstatic to be back in London to see Emily again. The rest of the lads were sleeping (even though it was 2 in the afternoon), with the exception of Niall who was stuffing his face into a sandwich. We pulled up in front of our complex, and I was the first to hop out of the car. I was greeted by Danielle and Eleanor, but there was no sign of Emily.

  “Emily didn’t come?” I asked them feeling a bit disappointed that she didn’t come to see me.

  “She said that she was feeling tired” Danielle said trying to console me “But I’m sure she’ll be here in a few” The boys greeted their girlfriends warmly, and Niall went off to get dressed since Jasmine invited him over. I checked my phone to see if there were any messages or missed calls from Emily, but there weren’t any. She was acting really strange and distant on the phone in the past couple of days, but I didn’t really worry about it, but now I sure the heck am. We went into the apartment to put our things away. Louis and Eleanor unpacked Lou’s stuff together which made me feel kind of jealous since Emily wasn’t here to do the same thing with me. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer. After several calls, I stopped trying to call her.

  “Just head over to her house, mate” Louis said standing in the doorway of my bedroom with Eleanor’s arm around his waist and his arm around her shoulder, caressing her protectively.

  “She probably has the flu or something” Eleanor said reassuringly “You can go cheer her up” I took a few moments to consider this before I grabbed my keys and made my way out of the door and towards Emily’s house.

  I pulled up in the driveway and rang the doorbell with a bouquet of flowers in my hand. The door opened and Amanda, he older sister, was standing in the door way.

  “Harry” she said in a why-are-here tone “Hey, how are you?” she smiled, and I couldn’t help but feel as if her smile was forced.

  “I’m good, thanks. Is Emily home?” I asked nervously.

  “Um” she swung back and took a long look at the living room.

  “It’s fine” someone whispered to her behind the door. The voice was Emily’s. Why did Amanda have to check with Emily if it was ‘fine’ for me to see her? “Hey” Emily said with a tired voice wrapping her arms around me “I missed you, Curly”

  “I missed you more” I replied uneasily. She felt distant and troubled from me. Have I done something wrong? She pulled away to look at me, and I can instantly see the huge bags under her eyes. Her eyes also seemed red and puffy, and her lips were dehydrated “Are you okay?” I asked worriedly.

  “I’m fine” she said unconvincingly “I just…had the flu, but I’m recovering now” she grabbed my hand pulling me in. I handed her the bouquet of flowers, and that made her smile genuinely (for a few seconds that is) “How was the rest of your tour?” she asked, grabbing a couple of mugs from the cupboard making hot chocolate for both of us. I started telling her about how Liam lost his shoe, again, and how some girl tackled Zayn, and Lou’s hilarious attempt of coning. She started laughing, and I felt like she was being her normal self again. “You guys are morons” she said laughing. I smiled at her as I placed my hand on her knee and stroked her thigh gently.

  “I really missed you, Em” I told her and I pulled her closer to me and kissed her. She kissed me back (a bit reluctantly). I placed my hand on her perfectly curved waist indicating to her that I wanted more. I fidgeted with the hem of her shirt, but she pushed my hand away. I pulled away with confusion, but she pulled me back in obviously wanting to ignore talking about it. The kiss became more and more heated by the second, but honestly, I felt really awkward making out with her in the middle of her living room where her sister or dad can walk in any minute.

  “Do you want to take this up to the bedroom?” I asked her in a hushed tone. She pulled away and looked at me with an angry expression.

  “So we can’t kiss anymore without it leading to sex?” she yelled.

  “That’s not what I implied Em” I told her trying to stay calm.

  “Oh” she said sarcastically as she stood up “so when you said that you wanted to take this up to the bedroom, you meant playing Monopoly, right?” I hated when she used sarcasm in arguments since it was the one thing that could tick me off completely in a second and she knew that.

  “What if I did imply that I wanted to sleep with you?” I yelled “We did it a month ago, remember?” She tried to keep on a firm angry facial expression, but she broke down crying. I tried holding her, but she pushed me away.

“JUST LEAVE, HARRY” she screamed.

“Emily, just talk to me” I said calmly to her.

“I DON’T WANT TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW” she said through her sobs “Just…please leave. You’re only making things worse” I tried to console her, but she pushed me away again.

 “Fine then” I huffed, ticked off from her. I walked towards my car and drove away. I was beyond confused, but I knew that Emily and I were heading towards the end of our relationship.

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