Chapter 19

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Emily’s POV:

  I woke up to the faint sound of Harry’s light snores. The cool breeze made shivers run through my exposed body. I moved over closer to Harry who was still sound asleep. I touched his jaw line with the back of my hand gently. This was the beautiful man I’d made love to last night. I touched his bare chest with my fingertips, admiring each and every muscle drawing light circles. I watched as his eyelids slowly fluttered open. His lips curved into a half-smile.

  “Morning, beautiful” Harry whispered pulling me in closer.

  “Morning” I replied giving him a small kiss on the lips as I turned around and buried my back into his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist pulling me closer. He pressed his lips on the back of my neck then moved them to my shoulder blades making the blood rush to my cheeks. I turned back around to look at him. His emerald green orbs were glistening in the sun light, and his beautiful dimples were showing as he grinned softly. I rested my palm on his cheek as my forehead on his.

  “Yesterday was…” he started as his lips formed into a huge smile.

  “Amazing” I said finishing the sentence for him. I looked back at the clock; 10:39 AM “We should go get some breakfast” I said seriously sitting up covering my bare body with the covers.

  “But I don’t want to get up” he nagged like a 5-year-old “Just two more minutes”

  “Come on, Styles” I said in a mature tone grabbing his boxers from the ground and handing them to him.

  “Maybe I don’t want to wear my boxers” he smirked.

  “Maybe I don’t want to look at your genitals” I said mimicking his tone.

  “It’s not like you haven’t seen it all last night” I felt my face getting hotter as I blushed. I gave him a serious look as he finally gave in and put his boxers on. I borrowed a t-shirt and boxers from Harry as we got up and ordered some breakfast.


Since management told Harry that we could only be seen together if we were in a group, which was today at dinner, we decided on taking a long drive away from all of the L.A. hustle. Harry rented a convertible car for the day and we were driving off in the blazing sun. The song Little Bird was playing on the radio. I laid my head and arms back as the cool air and the warm rays of the sun collided with my skin. I looked to my left at the vast ocean then back at Harry who was singing along to Ed Sheeran. His eyes met mine as I wrapped my arms around his neck. “but if I kiss you,”Harry sang “will your mouth read this truth, darling how I miss you, strawberry’s taste how lips do” He looked at me smirking and pointing at his lips which I gladly kissed. I laid my head on his shoulders as he put his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. We have been driving for the past two hours trying to find the most isolated beach possible. The car stopped as we raced each other out of the car and into the beach. I got to the water first as I splashed through it.

  “Oh no you don’t!” Harry yelled as he grabbed me from behind and twirling me around. I laughed hysterically as I yelled at him to put me down. Harry lost his balance and we both ended up in the water laughing our asses off. I moved his hair away from his face as he pulled me close, so close that our bodies were pressed against each other. We had our first kiss in this exact position when we were sixteen years old. The thought almost brought tears to my eyes.

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