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Flash Forward

A hand graced upon my back as I did my makeup in the bathroom.

"Good morning, my love."

"Good morning~"

I watched his figure through the mirror as he pressed his body against mine, pulling me into a sleepy, back hug.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked him, still applying eyeshadow under my eyes.

"I slept very peacefully."


"You're going back to work today. How does it feel?"

While placing the brush down, I placed my hands on top of his, melting into the hug.

"It feels so good to be back. Thank you, again."

His chin fell in the crook of my shoulder, soothingly. "You know I'd do anything for you."

"Me too."

End Of Flash Forward


Nia's POV +

Wedding Reception


I nailed my last note. The vibrato smoothly faded in my throat as I finished singing the song I wrote for Sonya and Hoseok's wedding.

When I opened my eyes again, the wedded couple's cheeks held big, orange-shaped smiles. Pleased with my work, I hopped off the stage, entering the crowd once again. But not before Sonya and Hoseok hugged me with all their might.

"O-Oww, tight."

Still locked in their silhouettes, I just accepted their great affection and thanks.

"Oh Nia, thank you SO MUCH." Sonya exclaimed, pulling away.

"We didn't expect this at all. THANK YOU!" Hobi added, while wiping away a tear.

"No problem! You both make a lovely couple~! I'm just overjoyed that I could contribute something to this already very stunning ceremony."

"Girl, that added like 10 more years to my life span. I LOVED IT."

I giggled at Sonya's kindhearted and exaggerated words.

"No really, your voice is so nice. The whole time you were up there, from the very first note, I heard people whispering things like 'Is she an angel?' And 'If only I had a voice like that.'" Hobi reported.

I started getting flustered by all the compliments.

"Thank you, guys! I really appreciate it."

Unexpectedly, my bestie pulled me to the side and whispered: "My parents are dying to meet you. They're at that table over there with the carnation centerpiece and gold tablecloth."

I nodded with a "Got it." and made my way over.

"H-Hello." I greeted awkwardly, forgetting to speak in English. I'm so used to speaking in Korean nowadays.

"Hello, darling! You sounded so AMAZING up there."

I thanked the cheerful lady and hugged her as well as Sonya's other two sisters and brother I spotted earlier. I was absolutely sure that the first lady to speak was her mom. She and Sonya looked JUST ALIKE.

Jeonderstand? 3: Test Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now