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Nia's POV


The makeup artist kept stroking bristles along my cheeks.

I stared into space while everyone prepped for the shoot. My mind was still on him and I hated it.

My feelings are more fragile than ever. I didn't really care for what was going on around me. I just anticipated this shoot's ending.

With all these feelings of sorrowfulness, my stylist, Hwa-ra, bent down to deliver some words.



"I can pinpoint where your mind is currently and as your stylist, I would like to lift you up before you go on the set."

"You don't have to, Hwa-ra, it's okay." I brushed her off, sadly.

"Please, let me assist you. I know how heartbreak feels--there was this guy I loved...maybe a little too much. He shattered my heart when he left me for another woman. When we began dating, I told everyone I knew about him. And after he did such a heinous thing, I was quiet as a mouse." She chuckled a bit.

The voices of the cameramen conversing loudly before us faded in like a movie scene.

"However, Nia, my point is that you can use this opportunity to paint whatever picture you'd like. You're a celebrity and nobody knows all the details. Whatever you two decide to do with your relationship, the media can find out later. As for you, regain yourself and find your happiness again. Take all the time you need to recover. I know you're having a hard time." She consoled me while curling my twists some more.

Her words were sweet as pie but for me, it felt so humiliating to hear. I hate that I'm so weak, and hearing that made me feel even more out of control. Nonetheless, I thanked her, because she really didn't have to do such a thing.

She continued applying a nourishing oil to my scalp and defining my curls. Not too long after, she showed me the finished product through a mirror (which looked amazing by the way).

"Where did you learn how to do this?" I wondered, noting her experience with kinky hair.

She beamed warmly. "Well, I took a few classes here and even traveled abroad to learn more and work with various hair types. While working in Los Angeles, I received many clients and got a lot of experience with hair types like this. Then, I traveled back to Korea and here I am."

"That's amazing."

"Thank you~"

Score. Thanks, Jay.

Now, paying attention to the set around me, I noticed how my team captured my vision so well. Rainbow Bokeh lights, deserted landscapes, greenscreen backdrop, fashion-defying clothes, and majestic headwear.


I couldn't bring myself to take it in properly. And for that, I felt so ungrateful, stupid even.

At this point, I even began despising Jungkook a bit.

Every millisecond, he was clouding my mindset and making my shoulders falter.

"Aish," I muttered to myself, drifting toward the set.

"Ho-ssi, do you know where I can find some water?"

My bodyguard faced me and then searched around himself.

"I can check if the others brought some. I do believe I saw somebody carry a cooler out here."

"Okay, thank you so much!" I faked a smile, more gloom shining through instead.

As he dashed to check on that, my phone started vibrating in my pocket.

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