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Jungkook's POV


I stomped to the practice room with a bottle of water in one hand and my phone in the other.

My head was killing me but I decided against taking any pain killers, assuming this was my punishment for yesterday.

If this is what I get, then I'll take it. A million times again, I'll take it.

All of last night, my anxious heart raced to no end. It kept me up thinking more on what I'd done. Nia's deeply, mortified expression made me regret everything instantly. The moment she fell to the ground—that was when I knew I truly fucked up.

Taking note of how she easily forgave me for my ignorance made me feel two things: thankful but privileged.

Thankful because I had someone who saw me as a work-in-progress and didn't think any less of me for my selfish acts. Privileged because I can be forgiven a little too easily for something very important.

Maybe that's why I felt that I was a bad influence on her.

And she was just too good for me—I didn't deserve her undying love. I constantly bruised her soft, innocent heart.

Still, I couldn't let her go so easily.

I pondered on what she was doing and if she was sleeping well while I stared at the white wall in front of me, unable to sleep, myself.

Needless to say, last night was bad.

So naturally, my mood this morning, was bad.

Hobi hyung kept his wireless earbuds in his ears while he communicated sweetly with his wife. Before fully entering the practice room, I heard his spacious voice down the hall. And after entering, he waved to me as I did to him.

I got right down to stretching for our last morning practice before touring.

While spread out on the floor, stretching, I overheard their conversation.

"Babe, you gonna come see me before I leave today?"

"Good, good. I'm looking forward to seeing you, my beautiful girl!"

I rotated the ball of my foot, one-by-one, while listening closely.

I've always wondered how those two seemed to always make things work. They're literally the ideal, cookie-cutter couple type.

Not being able to hear Sonya's speech at all (because of his earbuds) I just guessed the conversation.

Hoseok unpacked his practice bag while he listened attentively.

"Oh, so that's what you've been up to! That's really nice—I'm absolutely sure she'll love it. You're a great friend."

I assumed Sonya was designing something for a client. But then why would she be a great friend?

I halted the stretching of my arms and stared at Hoseok who was still lost in the convo.


My legs quickly sprung from the ground at the mention of her name. Clearly, the quick motion wasn't a great idea as it worsened my headache.

Nonetheless, I nosily stood in front of Hoseok who got silently jump scared at my change of placement. He smiled at me, probably thinking it was funny that I jumped when I heard her name. But he's greatly mistaken as it's for a different reason this time.

I really hoped this wasn't bad news or something else very shocking.

"What is it?" I whispered to him.

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