The Stepping Stone to Agape

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Jungkook's POV


We were swept off our danced-out feet and into comfortable clothes and mindsets. Our private airplane took off in a smooth manner, leading us back home.

All our hard work had come to fruition once again and now it was time to reward ourselves with rest.

Well...almost all of us, anyway.

I was preparing to visit Nia tomorrow.

Though, having no set expectations or plans, I simply gathered my nerves for it.

That's all. That was my preparation.

Because who even knows if she wanted to see me?

It's a saddening but realistic thought.

In spite of that, it wouldn't stop me from trying one last time.

The end of our tour marks the exact time span we've been broken up--six months now.

Half of a year.

Way too long for us to be apart.

And I missed her, awfully.

It shows by the way I've been carrying myself these days.

Nia is just too good for me.

During all this downtime, I've weighed the pressures I've placed on her.

• Toxic ex-girlfriend (no need to explain further.)

• Constant secrecy (wearing disguises in the public eye and hiding our relationship.)

• Hiding other crucial factors (details I've hidden from her.)

• Ignoring unfair treatment toward her.

• Even invalidating her pain.

I was selfish. I was so caught up in my own world that all expectations of a normal relationship were absent from the start.

Of course, my heart was genuine.

But my head was far gone.

These two things disagreed constantly.

It was always...

This is what I'll do.

And never.

Is this what she wants too?

If I had a plan, it definitely wouldn't include any romantic gestures.

I'd have to begin with the element that was fictitious since our debut together.


I had to be Jeongguk.

Not Jungkook.

And if it's no least I tried.

What's done is done. And beyond my control.

I accept that.

It hurts...but, that's the least I could do because of how much she's done for me.

Wrapped up in my own world, like the very first flight we took to Japan, I was snapped out of it by my members again.

Hobi cupped his mouth in surprise at some exhilarating news.

He exhaled, near tears.

Something's up! Hobi never responds to news in such a way.

Whenever something big occurred, he'd respond with a noisier reaction.

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