Hushed Mayhem

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Hye-Rin's POV


"How'd it go?"Jung-Wook asked curiously.

He'd waited an hour and some change for my therapy session. Wook usually waits patiently in the lobby of the hospital.

Shortly after the accident, he suggested an older therapist that he used to go to. And I must admit, these sessions have been extremely helpful during my recovery. I feel that both my mind and look is being revived.

"It went great like usual."

Jung-Wook stood up and placed my jacket around me that he'd been holding the entire time.

The two of us began walking together, leaving the doctors.

Smoothly, he reached his arm around my waist as the sunlight hit our faces.

And asked, "Wanna find something to eat?"

I frowned at my coming deny of his thoughtful request. 

"I can't, sorry. I have to help Seohyun with some things around the house."

"That's fine. We could get some food for her too and I could even help."

He's always like this. And I'm beyond flattered but still clueless as to why he actually hangs around me. That doesn't mean I'm not thankful for him.

I'm just be honest.

"Don't you have a girlfriend?" I questioned sassily.

He rolled his eyes with a cunning smile. "Don't you have a Jungkookieee~~ to go chase or something?"

My face dropped and my expression grew pathetic-looking.

"Too soon?"


"My bad."

Like I said, I'm embarrassed. At the fact that he saw that side of me.

"You know what? It's alright." I said and brushed it off.


"Yeah. Cause I'm gonna be a superstar."

I opened my purse, snatched the flyer, and threw it at his face.

"Aish, Hye-Rin!" Once done with his hint of frustration, he clutched the flimsy paper.

"Calling all actors; Ages 16 and up for the upcoming movie: 'The Ungrateful Fruit' ??" He read out loud.

"Mhmm~ Da-Eun gave this to me."

He cut his eyes and made a pouty face. "No fair, Da-Eun never gave me anything like this when I was going to her for my insomnia."

"Guess you better get yourself a Jungkookie-Honey-Bunny-Bear to chase, huh?" I flexed and switched my hips on the way to his car.

"Oh, fuck you!"

"You wish!"

We got into his Hyundai and headed to his favorite place to eat, Egg Drop.

"So when is this play or movie audition?"

"Firstly, it's for a movie. And secondly, didn't you read the flyer?! the audition is for next Saturday." I answered.

"Okay, let's try answering my next question but with less sass, shall we?"

"Lemme think about it~"

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