Plant a New Seed, Turn a New Leaf

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Hye-Rin's POV


"Now, Hye-Rin, since we've gotten all the apologies out, let's address the topic of your mother again."

I sat back, already annoyed.

"No, why do we always talk about her? Let's talk about something else."

"Well, you're the one who always vents to me about her."

Lacking a quick response, I just crossed my arms, distantly.

Da-Eun (My therapist) sighed. "What do you want, Hye-Rin? Do you feel like you're actually gaining something from these sessions? Or are we wasting our time?"

A scoff flew from my mouth. "Well, I felt like I WAS gaining some new skills from this. But if you feel like you're wasting YOUR, time then I can just leave."

"Ugh, Hye-Rin." She placed down her notes. "I'm not saying that to make you upset but, you've totally discarded my resources and missed multiple weeks. This benefits you more than me. Yes, I get paid for this but everyone on Earth has problems. If you want help, you need to act like it."

It was obvious that I was enclosed to her point (with my current body language), Thus, I tried to think through her words. Tried.

I mean, yes, I'm a lot to deal with.

I hate my mom.

I make my own decisions.

Good or bad.

I only listen to my intuition.

I disregard others' opinions.

My temper is beyond extraordinary.


Okay, I do need help.


It's not like I don't desire help.

I long to be normal.

I actually do care for people and their feelings.

I doubt myself.

I'm not as overconfident as I come off.

Sometimes I hate myself.

Because I see my mom.

"Da-Eun, I've already apologized for missing past sessions. I swear to you, I do want help and I'm seeking it now. Please don't deny my attempt. This is my last time."

Just, please.

Help me.

She examined my sorrowful expression, grabbed for her clipboard of notes, and got comfortable.

"I'm listening..."

Instantly, I clasped my hands together. "Oh! Thank you so much. Thank you for not giving up on me." I rejoiced.

"Time is of the essence."

Slightly ticked by her impactful lack of words, I spoke.

I explained everything leading up to what happened at work a while ago. As well as the conflict itself.

Very shocked by everything I'd said, she asked: "For one, why did you let it get that far with that trainee guy?"

My eyes rolled to the side. "Cause, I thought he was kinda good looking. Plus, I was trying to be nicer to people!"

"Let me tell you something right now! You cannot let people take advantage of you like that. You see now how it could get out of hand. Who knows what he would've done to you if your boyfriend wasn't there?"

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