Two Tens at Odds

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Jung-Kook's POV


I'd studied countless articles on the plane ride to Atlanta, her home. And I finished two out of the three books I bought.

While connecting all the dots, I've drawn some shocking conclusions.

I'm finally understanding this complex world of race we all live in.

In addition to that, I've gained so much more respect and a deeper understanding of the black experience.

But, I'll never know what it feels like to lead a life so full of troubles, fear, and uncertainties. Their history has been used against them yet erased all at the same time. Countless discoveries, lost. Job opportunities, missed. Racial discrimination, always.

With this brand new perception, I wish to never come off so uneducated again. There's still so much more for me to learn as well. All of us. It's an ever-evolving struggle. It does seem to be getting better but there's still so much work to do.

This goes for all other minorities as well. We should all vouch for each other and stand together.

Times are changing.

Couples are changing.

Love is evolving.

So are our minds.

I've discussed these topics with my brainy, older member, RM.

He's well-versed on such topics as he's always reading something on the social sciences. Whether it be on race, feminism, or disabilities.

In a conversation we had backstage before our Atlanta show, this happened:

"How's it going with her?" He lead.

Looking up from my phone, seeing that he was behind me through the mirror, I spoke.

"With who?"

"Bora-ssi?" He cleared up, trying to be genuine. Though he can't hide his disappointment.

My bandmates really liked Nia.

"Oh, umm..." I paused while the makeup artist touched up my lips. "It's nothing like that. We're not together."


"Yeah. We never were. I just invited her to, well, get over Nia."

"Oh?~" He realized with a stunned tone.

Then he replied, "that must be why she left then."

I nodded, too ashamed to look at him through the mirror anymore.

However, he patted my shoulder, sympathetically.

"No worries. It happens. I'm not saying it should've happened but...that's life."

Still not having much to say, I hummed instead.

"Do you still want Nia back?"

"Of course! But, I think she's really with DPR LIVE now."

I watched as his reflection pondered for a moment.

"How could you be so sure? It's only been, what, six months since the break up? I doubt she'd be so heavily involved with him right now."

"No, you don't understand, Hyung. They've known each other personally for the same amount of time she's known me. Whether they're seriously in a relationship now or not, they've been building that chemistry for years. That's why this case is different. He's not a rebound."

"Really now? That must've been why you were so blatantly jealous all those times." He smirked, cheekily.

"Yeah...that's why..."

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