Safe and Sound

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Jungkook's POV


We rode in the van and socialized for as long as we could until getting off.

It was decided that she would room with Jin's girlfriend who wasn't in LA just yet. She would arrive later tonight.

And I figured it was way too soon for me to accompany her alone in her hotel room so, instead, I told her she was welcome to visit my room. Which I shared with Taehyung and Hobi hyung.

Before long, we all got settled and took the downtime we were allowed.

"So, Kook-ah, what exactly are you doing with Bora? I know you said it was platonic but...I remember you saying you'd want to marry her when you were in high school." Hoseok interrogated.

"I'm not doing anything with her. Can't I bring a friend along?" I asked while unpacking my instant ramen.

"Jungkook, It's not just about bringing a friend along. Why are you doing it? There's gotta be something else..."

"Look, can we not talk about this? I'm really hungry."

I placed my food in the pot over the stove. Then, I added spices to the mix.

"Fine, but you better tell us later." Taehyung ordered.

"Yeah, yeah~" I groaned.

While I fixed the aromatic meal, they steadily flipped channels on the television.

"There's nothing good on right now." Tae said groggily.

"You sound like you're close to a nap." Hobi commented.

"This is true. But I need something good to sleep over."

We all laughed at his grandpa demeanor.

"Ooh, what's this?" He said suddenly.

"Turn it up." I called from the back.

The channel aired a segment on the success stories of Idols and the unfortunate situations they've encountered.

"Ah, it's about to end though. They're summarizing."

The channel read the following script:

Idols are people too and they deserve to live as such. They shouldn't worry about death threats or being harassed. Let's spread love and walk a new flowery path, together!

I turned around to view the program as they flashed images of various people.

One of which was Nia...

An awkward air breezed around the room.

But no one dared to bring it up.


A good thirty minutes passed before a knock was heard at the door. I checked through the peephole after turning the stove off.

Delightfully, I recognized that it was Bora who entered when I pulled the handle with a bright smile.

"What's up?"

"I was just coming to tell you that I must take a trip home first to gather my things and pack a bag before leaving."

"Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, do you need me to go with you? I have no problem doing so." I offered, gushingly.

"It's fine, I'll go alone..." She trailed off gradually while looking past me.

I examined her line of eyesight which lead to the table behind me. On the table was one of the books I started reading.

She looked perplexed.

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