Why Are We Connected?

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As a tangerine, dragon fruit, and plum color filled the skies, I gazed into Nia's eyes as we sat in the front of her place. She had been nothing else but shaken up the entire time.

I pitied the warm-toned beauty beside me. I hoped that she would at least lighten up during the drive on the way here, but no. She just stared down at her cupped hands resting on her thighs.

"What?" She wondered. I hadn't noticed I'd been staring in her eyes that long.

"I'm just guessing if you're gonna be okay tonight all by yourself."

"Jungkook might swing by tonight so I should be." She guessed while gathering her things.

I figured she'd say that.

"Before you go, let me call him on your phone... I don't want him to think of me as a messy person. You're his girlfriend, and my friend, whom I did a favor."

Finally breaking eye contact, she clicked and scrolled to her contacts where she found Jungkook's.

She decorated his name with hearts and sparkly emojis.

I saw that as her phone dialed him.

Her boyfriend picked up, sounding in a frenzy.

His voice went in and out as the vibrations of wind blew in the back. I suppose he was in his car with the windows down.

"I'm on the way to get you. Hold tight for a little longer, Jagi."

Her tired and humiliated voice spoke. "Just come right home, please. The police said I should call a friend to take me home."

Jungkook's voice transformed from panicked to curious.

"Then Sonya took you home? Okay then I'll-"

Nia handed me the phone with those same pretty yet somber eyes.

"Uhh, Hey. It's Live. I called Nia earlier to ask if everything was alright with this news going around and all of that. She told me that she needed a ride home and that's all. This is just a favor I'm doing for her, so...I pray for the best of circumstances for you two."

I gotta put my feelings aside and be there for her. For them.

Jungkook audibly sighed. "Thank you, Dabin. I really appreciate that. Just let me know next time-

"Jungkook, don't..." Nia cut him off.

"...I'm sorry. I'm turning around now and I'll be there in a few minutes. Thank you again, Dabin."

"You're welcome." I kept it short, slightly irritated.

Then he hummed in thought. "Can you keep her company for a while too?"



"Okay, see you both then." And he hung up faster than the speed of light.

I placed Nia's phone back in her palm while she shook her head.

"I'm sorry about him."

"Don't sweat it. I can understand why he's like that."


Eliminating the awkward space, I suggested that we go inside the house.

She agreed and once we reached the door, she pressed a button on her phone.

Damn, where're the locks?

She must've caught my expression because she explained.

"We added a feature where you no longer have to have keys to unlock the door. I can open it and lock it from my phone."

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