Love Is Controversial

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Disclaimer: This chapter has strong language and hints of suicidal themes. If this is triggering to anyone, do skip this chapter.

Hye-Rin's POV


"Pit, pat, pit, pat." Went the rhythm of my shoes against the harsh concrete.

I had only just met eyes with the outside world and cannot seem to get one moment to myself. I was tired as it is, filmed for more than 12 hours today. Yet he's six feet behind me, begging like a desperate ex-boyfriend in the building's parking lot.

"Hye-Rin, come to my place tonight, please. I guarantee you'll like it~"

"Leave me alone already!"

"Please, baby~ you won't regret it." He persisted.

"Ugh!" I groaned with absolute disgust.

I picked up my pace, now running. The train station wasn't too far from here but too long of a distance for him to be tormenting me like this.

"Hye-Rin, I don't want to hurt you! Please stay with me~"

In the distance, I recognized Jung-Wook's car. However, I didn't decide to question why he was in the parking lot of the set. I was just happy to get away from this sex-crazed freak.

With the end goal in mind, I sprinted even faster toward his vehicle.

"Goddamn, you're fast!" He shouted, his voice sounding farther now.

The silhouette of Wook's figure getting out of the car relieved me.

I fell right into his open arms while Hal-Sha kept pacing forward.

That is, until he saw us hugging.

"Huh? What the fuck is all this?" He asked idiotically.

"I should be the one asking that? The fuck are you doing chasing MY girlfriend?!

I faced Hal-Sha's face, still wrapped in Wook's arms. I longed to see his stupid expression.

"So, you're the one?!" He cackled hysterically.

"Is this what you're really into, Hye-Rin? He's so bony and lacks good fashion sense."

"Rin, get in the car." Wook demanded me.

He didn't have to tell me twice. I got in the passenger seat and focused on the two through the window.

Unable to hear what was going on, I noticed the boys starting to push each other around after what could've been some bold statements that were made.

Dreading the fight scene that seemed inevitable, I rolled down the window and told Wook to get in. "Stop messing around and get in!"

He got distracted by the sound of my voice and took a whopping blow to the face.

Wook cried out in pain at the fatal wound that was just created.

I winced and closed my eyes at the frightening nature of everything that was going on.

Even though Wook and I haven't been the best lately, I wasn't going to sit here and let him get beat down by an absolute idiot.

The door handle jolted under the force of my grasp. My anguished feet were back on the concrete while I grabbed Jung-Wook's torso, motioning him back to the car.

His injury turned out to be very bad as his nose was bleeding at a rapid rate

"C'mon!" I yelled as he kept shouting insults to Hal-Sha.

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