Flawed Maturity

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Hye-Rin's POV


The same little houses I stormed upon the day I showed at his job, sat like still lives.

I pitied my own unluckiness, nearly shivering at the forced re-acquaintance.

Nonetheless, I thought...

"Let's just get this over with."

I balled my fist so that my knuckles could create the perfect knocking sound against the front door.

The same female assistant from the last time, in her gray coat, rolled her eyes as soon as she spotted me.

Not a single nerve in my body reacted to her silent greeting.

I just didn't feel like it.

I came here for three things.

I sought peace, healing, and refuge.

Which I suppose would be him.

Obviously, we were meeting again for a reason.

And let's admit it...

We both fucked up.

I said some hurtful things.

He, definitely, said some things that cut deep.

But, ultimately, the situation was a dire one and it was difficult thing to respond to.

I hadn't told him anything about this guy at my job.

Then he lied, saying we were sleeping together.

And Jung-Wook also took some harsh blows for me.

It's hard to imagine that somebody would do that for me.

Oof, well. Besides Jungkook (except I was the one giving him the bruises.)

I digress.

Truthfully, I'm a really messed up person with hella mommy issues.

Jung-Wook seems to be the only person who wants to take on my baggage and spare me a love life.

And for something so perfectly yet unnaturally built, I don't want to come off as a lost cause.

In my heart, I wanted to pay back this love that I feel indebted to.

"Good morning~" I greeted warmly.

Slightly taken aback, the woman cut her eyes to the side and then smacked her teeth. "Good morning. Dr. Jeon is waiting for you in his office."

She stepped aside, letting me in.

"Do I have to sign in or anything?"

The woman closed the door and called for her fellow worker at the desk, covered in paperwork once again.

'Does she actually do anything at this desk?' I wondered.

"Please provide her with the sign-in documents, please."

"Gotcha." She responded, kindly.

Once the papers were printed and handed over, the kinder assistant and I made small talk.

She complimented my appearance, saying that I must've been trying to impress the doctor.

Well, not really. But, I suppose it's an added plus.

I coated my cheeks with a glittery blush and pink eyeshadow to compliment the jean skirt I wore.

I coated my cheeks with a glittery blush and pink eyeshadow to compliment the jean skirt I wore

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