Don't Misunderstand My Heart.

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Jung-Wook's POV


Seohyun, Hye-Rin, and I celebrated her victorious accomplishment with the accompaniment of fried chicken and soju.

Everything about the vibe tonight felt inexplicably delightfully. Seohyun was the most joyous woman I'd ever known. Not saying she's been unhappy all this time; she's always been a burst of light and hope. But I've never seen her smile this brilliant. And Hye-Rin. I can feel myself falling more and more. I couldn't deny how much I was grinning while our arms were brushing against each other.

She and I were sitting right next to each other while her aunt was directly across from the both of us. Hye-Rin's hair, that was a raven color, (from when she was trying to get Jung-Kook's attention), it's actually become a regular color on her as she's been dying it continuously for her own personal enjoyment. And I love this color on her so much. It's so damn attractive. Even her fragile frame and thin lips are making me blush by thinking about it.

"Right? Wookie??" Seohyun's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Mhm! Yeah~" I played it off.

The girl next to me laughed shyly.

"Are you guys really proud of me? I just feel so bad for causing all of this trouble for so long." She confessed with her arms between her legs and her chin pointed downward.

I would do so many things right now to prove to her how much I'm over that but...her aunt is right there. I must control my manly urges.

"Rin, don't you dare say such things. Here, we are telling you that we're extremely proud of you. You just have to believe us, dear."

I nodded with Seohyun's words and spoke.

"Exactly. We wouldn't be out here celebrating if we weren't. You're gonna be acting in a drama and many more to come. This is the new beginning of Hye-Rin's life as a strong, independent, and beautiful woman."

Her face covered itself in a strawberry-resemblance.

I chuckled at this and so did Seohyun.

Her wink and gaze after the fact said something around the lines of: "Good job, my son."

We all continued eating the crispy, mouth-watering meal.

In an untimely manner, Seohyun's phone began vibrating and shifting around the table with the contact "Unnie" showing up.

No way was Hye-Rin's actual mom calling right now.

Instead of picking it up, she instantly declined, making us all a bit on edge.

"Don't worry! Just keep eating." She said, still sounding bothered.

Um...okay. I wonder what that was about.

Attempting to divert Hye-Rin's mind from anything negative, I pointed out the crumbs under her lip.

"Is the chicken good?"

"It's really good." She said while taking another bite.

"I can tell."

Then I rubbed my finger under her lip to clear her face of the crumbs.

Waiting for a reaction, Seohyun's phone rung crazily again.

She blinked at us awkwardly and finally decided to pick up.

"I'll just take it outside. I'll be right back."

We nodded in unison like children.

"I hope it's not something bad..." Hye-Rin sighed.

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