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A hallway, a blanket around me, and a water bottle in my hand.

My neck jolted up in surprise when I woke up from unconsciousness.

And the aforementioned pieces were what I saw.

"You up now?" Jay asked from my right side. He put up his phone and tucked it into his jeans.

I focused my eyes more on my surroundings.

"I am...but I'm still overwhelmed. I just wish I could understand-

"Don't try to understand. Not only is that detrimental but it's also not worth your time." He clarified.

I adjusted the blanket I was engulfed in while in deep thought.

"Plus, you didn't let me finish in the office. There are also a lot of positive comments about your relationship. Your true fans are standing up for you."

My eyes widened at those words.

"See? Have a little faith, Nia."

"What're they saying?" I wondered.

"Hold on, lemme pull up my screenshots. I did this specifically to calm your nerves."

His slender hand reached for his pocket once more. He clicked and swiped endlessly till he discovered the screenshots.

"This." He placed it in my hand as I observed.

The comments I sorted through were reassuring and truly kind-hearted. But I can't lie. The bad outweighed the good in my eyes. It all pained my soul to no end.

I can't stand the fact that I have no control whatsoever on these assassinations of my character. I need people to see me for who I really am. Genuine, Determined, and Innocent. And if only they knew the hell I just went through to finally be with Jungkook with no distractions; they'd indefinitely support me. I think? Right?

I do care about what they think about me. I want them to know who I am. But this even boils down to the fact that there will STILL be those who won't like me regardless.

I can't make them all happy. And I'm not happy knowing that.

Still, this doesn't make me love Jungkook any less or make me want to end this relationship that we've worked too hard to preserve. So I will just have to go with the flow and I'll eventually get better.

Knowing how passionate our love is is my saving grace. That's all I need.

That's how I'll get over what they think.

"You good now?" Jay made sure.

"I believe so."

"That's the first step. You got this, kid."

He stood up and held his hand out to me.

I took it and got up. The blanket fell to the floor, causing the cold air to take over my body.

"Damn, why is it so cold?"

"Oh, because of the hallway being cold, we kept you out here to wake you up."

"Thanks...wait, we?"

"Your team, remember?" He reminded while zipping up his jacket to protect himself from the cold air.

"Oh yeah~"

"Come, let's meet and thank them."


We traveled down dimly lit hall with jet black, hard floors. I glanced down at our feet while we walked. I must admit that Jay is great at what he does and I'm super content with the idea of my legacy residing in this team. He' a dad to me.

Jeonderstand? 3: Test Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now