Rolling W/ The Gut Punches

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Hye-Rin's POV


I arrived back home with Jung-Wook who offered to take me home even though I insisted to ride the train—but he was too persistent. I guess he feels like he needs to be that way. Anyway, we stopped right outside the house as I gathered my bags to go inside.

"Babe, you should come to visit my job sometime, I wanna share more of myself with you."

"Hm? Why? I mean, not that I don't want to, it's just, why all of a sudden?" I queried.

"Well, It's because I've seen so much of you and I want to be more open about my private life."

"Okay. So what times do you work? I can come by tomorrow after my break."

He proceeded to tell me which times he worked and I did listen closely but I couldn't stop wondering why he wanted to do this all of a sudden. I mean, yeah, we are dating now and I don't know too much about him but will this reveal change everything?

I don't think I can take any more drastic changes.

We kissed before I opened the door and went in for the night.

An impressionable fragrance of apples and pumpkins filled my nostrils while stumbling amongst the slippers guarding the entrance of my house. I could tell Sena was whipping up another fantastic home-cooked meal because of all the spices lined up along the counter. I stepped into my house slippers and anticipated to greet my "mother" and yet was met mother.

"HEY, Dear."

Her false, wide smile and bulging eyes took me by surprise. She forced her frail arms around my waist in an attempt to receive a hug as well.


I raced past her to my room and tried to keep my cool.

The ambiance of light footsteps sounded before me. It was Seohyun, pacing in the hallway, I guess, to speak to me.

"What? Why is she here?!" I began.

She hunched her back, controlling her whole meaner to stay quiet.

"She wasn't supposed to be here."

"Well, she needs to leave now. I don't care how much she wants to be in my life now. She should've thought about that earlier before she decided to—"

"Keep your voice down!" She whisper-shouted.

"I HATE—" Seohyun covered my mouth with a stern gaze before I could finish.

"Look, I can't stand her. I literally cannot do this. She's leavened me devastated and broken too many times just to let her back in, Seohyun."

"Rin, I know. But she's still your mother nonetheless. I'm not telling you to forgive her, but just know how to deal with her. Hell, I didn't know she would show up either but let's just talk to her and she'll leave soon.

She enveloped me in her arms firmly until I soaked up all the courage I could absorb.

"Lead with light, leave the dark in the night."

That's what my therapist tells me to say whenever I'm this close to blowing up.

I'm gonna be a star, so, I need to live with light.

This moment reminds me of the disaster that took place at the last family reunion. My mother hadn't changed any then and she hasn't now either. She's just acting to feed off my recent success.

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