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Jungkook's POV


Already dreading the day ahead of me, I picked up the phone to call someone I don't usually talk to much; Surely, I knew they'd help me to keep my head on straight with further information.

"Hey~ it's Jay Park!"

Feeling shyer than ever now, I mustered the courage to proceed.

"It's Jungkook. How are you, today? Been a while, huh?"

All formalities in his voice dropped when he heard it was me. "Oh, Kook! It's you. Yeah, it's been a while since we've last talked. I'm good, and you?"

I glanced around the bathroom, disappointed with my current situation.

"Not the best to be completely honest...things could be better." I replied weakly.

"Ahh, I'm sorry, man. Is there anything I can help you with?"

"Actually, yeah."

The answer to this question would lead to my final resort: "How is Nia holding up at work?"

I adjusted my phone next to me on the bathroom counter and put him on speaker to hear him clearly.

"Well, she's not at work today. I'm more than sure you're updated on the situation so it's no surprise why she's not. Though, I did receive a voice message from her saying that she'd try to come in tomorrow and that she's still working on a song with you. Right?" he informed and verified.

"Right. We are- b-but how has she been acting since you've told her?"

"She's been very tense and in fear. She had a panic attack in my office and I didn't really know what to do since I'd never had an artist have one before me. I rushed to get help from her new team and a few other artists. Thankfully, she passed out only shortly and was in normal condition. As per our last conversation, she gave me a sample of the lyrics she'd created from all of this chaos and it sounded hella good! But it's painfully evident how she's been taking it—very bad. In one part, she said something along the lines of "it is only because of your love that I will endure this trauma. It won't be long before I heal again." And it sounded very beautiful but not the healthiest in my opinion."

"I see...

I figured I should take Taehyung's words from last night to ask him a certain question.

"Trauma she said...Then, do you think the opinions and comments from everyone are more harmful to her than the effect of me parting ways with her? I kind of feel like it's unfair for her to live like this for love."

Jay took a while to answer. "Ooh, that--that's a tough one there. I---all I'm gonna say is that, if you do that, it'll certainly crush her. Also! I'm not telling you to subject her to this type of pain either...I don't know. This is so hard."

"Tell me about it." I exhaled.

Stillness seized the moment over the phone; the both of us were lost in thought.

Until he brought this up: "Also, you guys gotta find out something fast--fans and social media companies are begging our companies to release a statement. I really wish the best for you two, though. Do what's best for both parties, okay?" He advised.

"Yes, I will. Thank you, Jay."

"Alright, you have a nice day, Jungkook."

"You too."

My device beeped, signaling the call was over. For a good minute, I stared at myself in the mirror facing me in the HYBE bathroom. The exact time was 6:12 AM and I had two hours before practice started back.

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