Guilt Makes Shameful Men

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Jungkook's POV


It's pretty shocking that we're doing fan meetings again. Especially amid all the conflict from earlier in the year.

Si-Hyuk says that the fans need more face-to face interactions besides concerts. He says this could also be an opportunity for the members to mingle.

I doubted the guys would actually take the opportunity to do so. And it certainly wasn't an option for me.

"Here they come." Jin whispered next to me. The fans poured in through the door with the security's guidance. They walked in one-by-one, the first attendees being V.I.P. Members. Their expressions bled pure shock as they came closer. Our crew member on the floor instructed the fans while the other one behind us would mitigate the time of speech and rotation.

For now, ARMYs who weren't V.I.P. would stand behind the red rope, waiting till the meeting actually began.

The first fan strolled to the stage and conversed with Jimin. He was the first one seated in the line.

After meeting the second member, another fan walked up as tolerated.

Legitimately, I do treasure interacting with ARMYs. Not only does it stimulate me to create my art but it also makes me joyful for both them and my career choices. All those years of training and sacrificing for school—they've come to fruition. They mean something.

Millions of adoring ARMYs decided to support us and for that, I am blessed.

  "Good morning. How are you?" I asked the shy girl before me.

She wore a BTS t-shirt and was decorated with BT21 merchandise.

"I'm doing fine. How are you?" She expressed quietly.

"I'm excited to see you all. Thank you for coming today and I hope you find tonight's concert very enjoyable."

"Well of course, you guys always perform to my liking. Even beyond my expectations!"

Flattered by her enthusiasm, I thanked her once more.

Before long, we took a picture with the camera facing my way and the table still separating us. Afterwards, the crew member behind us instructed her to move right along.

'I do miss this.' I thought to myself.

The next fan unveiled questions that they anticipated our answers to. They asked me what my favorite color was and I replied "Black and Red. I can't seem to choose between the two."

They nodded, took pictures, and then moved along.

By the line, I noticed the crowd slowly shifting our way.

"It's eight o'clock already?" Yoongi Hyung asked, genuinely shocked.

"Yep." Another bandmate replied.

I peered further into the line beyond the fans at the table. This one girl in the line appeared to be very familiar to me. I wasn't sure yet if I was imagining things, but, I proceeded nonetheless. Whoever she was, I'd find out once the time was right.

Some fans brought food and other gifts that were checked thoroughly by security before being given to us.

At this point, I had bunny ears on top of my head, and a cheesy grin to accompany it.

"Ah, Jungkook-ah." An acquainted voice sounded.

And then it clicked.

"Bora?! Is that you?"

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