Shame Makes Guilty Women

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Nia's POV


I stood behind the opening to his office, organizing my nerves.

My anxiety is high these days. I don't like admitting to my weaknesses and that's what this felt like.

Not wishing to prolong this uncomfortable experience, I knocked on the door hurriedly.

"Come in!" I heard from the other side.

After pulling the door my way, I spotted his face all lit up by the large computer screen.

"Good morning..." I began with a small smile.

"Morning, Nia. Is everything okay?" He wondered, seeing as we haven't spoken in a while.

"Yeah, yeah. I just wanted to talk about something serious..with you."

I sat down in the same chair behind his desk where I had the panic attack not too long ago.

His expression flexed a concerned tinge. "Okay, just give me a few seconds. Lemme schedule this meeting really quick for Coogie."

"Yes, take your time." I advised, crossing my legs and fiddling with the hem of my sleeve.

I checked my phone while he diligently completed his work.

"Alright, so what did you want to say?" He asked, giving me his full attention.

But, I could barely look him in his eyes while saying this. "I've been thinking about that ultimatum you gave me a while ago and...I think I want to take it."

His voice became slightly hoarse, causing him to clear his throat. "Okay..." He responded, almost inflecting like a question.

"Y'know, I think, if that's what you wanna do, then you definitely should. All of us here are in support of your health, safety, and happiness."

"Thank you, Jay. Really, thank you for everything. I couldn't ask for a better boss."

"Don't mention it, it's the least I could do for someone like you. Artists are humans and you've suffered a lot lately. Most of all, take this time to let loose, enjoy yourself, and ensure clarity in your mind. You can think about music later."

There it goes, that fatherly embrace with his tone. I guess I was nervous for nothing.

Jay is not a traditional boss but his methods are perfection. It serves the good of the artists without worrying about making quotas. That part happens naturally because of the talent here.

"I really appreciate that."

"Is that all? I'm glad to help with anything else." He beamed, graciously.

"No, that's all." I said, standing back up.

"See you later, Nia. Be safe."

"You too, Jay."

And with that being over and done, I exited with a peace of mind.

I waved bye to my fellow co-workers.

Then I treaded to the parking lot where my car stayed.

"How about some Iced coffee?" I asked myself.

I drove to a nearby coffee shop and ordered two iced coffees with a chocolate and macadamia cookie for Sonya and I.

I figured it was time that I checked back on my bestie and her luxury brand.

I look up to her so much. Not only am I very proud of everything she's accomplished but I respect her hustle.

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