Kookie Karma

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Hye-Rin's POV


"Rin, please get up!~ You have to go to work today. I don't know what happened last night but you've gotta separate it from your work life. This is what being an adult is about. You must carry on even when life is hard..."

All morning, Seohyun has been begging me to leave my saddened war zone. I locked my door and passed out last night, trying to erase everything from my mind. Especially him.

He never happened. We never happened.

She huffed one last time. "I love you..."

Then she finally left me alone.

Honestly, I had no urge to go to work today. I figured I could call out sick.

To do so, I readied my phone in my hand, dialing away.

Before I could even tap the call button, I noticed my assistant was calling.

"Yes, what do you want, Aeris?"

"Hye-Rin, we're gonna need you to be to the set even earlier today. The scenes we'll be filming call for your makeup to be done 3 to 4 times today. Most of the solo scenes will be shot today."

"Well, actually I'm not feeling the best right now. I think I've caught the flu."

Aeris fell silent on the line. I took this as a sign that I was safe to stay.

"I'm sorry, Hye-Rin but you can't miss this. We'll prepare some warm tea and medicine for you."

Then she hung up, not even waiting one moment for a response.

"Bitch." I snapped at no one in particular.

I guess going to work was inevitable. By missing it, I'd have even more work cut out for myself anyway.

And with more work cluttering up, it meant no time to collect my thoughts.

I dressed myself in sweats, not caring for my appearance like before. With or without plastic surgery, same regrets, same doubts, same problems.

My hand twisted the door knob, inchingly. I slipped my body through the cracked door, hopping not to make a sound. My plan was useless anyway, seeing as Seohyun was right there, sat against the kitchen counter.

"Don't forget your breakfast. It's in the fridge."

I nodded and muttered words of thanks for the meal.

Like any other day, I used the convenient railway system to the set which would take place on the Mapo Bridge today.

"Hye-Rin-ssi! Glad you could make it, we've prepared some lemon tea for you. Would you like the medicine right now?" The director asked.

"I'm good. I'll just take the tea." I voiced, sounding annoyed.

"Ah, I see you're already in character."

I shrugged and took the script from the portable table the director sat it on.

My eyeballs scanned the piece of paper swiftly, reminding me of where we last left off. In this scene, Choi Ha-Ra finally escaped Jeju-do with the money she had stolen from her parents for a plane ticket to Seoul. On her first night, she visited the Mapo Bridge to give herself a pep talk. However, that got cut short because her parents called her, extremely concerned about her whereabouts.

I gave the crew the signal that I was ready.

"Act Three, Scene Two. Lights, Camera, and Action!"

The lights glowed on my complexion, romanticizing the scene without the filtering even being thought about yet.

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