Growing Pains

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Nia's POV


"Damn, I didn't expect all of Daiso to come with you." I teased grievously.

Plastic bags full of quick-meals, toiletries, and other necessities made their way into my apartment from her trunk.

Sonya smirked unapologetically while carrying the groceries. "Well, I had to because my bestie deserves the best~"

Her feet marched near my kitchen counter, placing the groceries on the marble countertop. I followed her movements with a thankful smile washing over me.

"Thank you. I'm certainly in debt to you..." I said while getting ready to help put them up.

She smacked my hand playfully. "Nuh uh, I'm putting them up. You just tell me everything that happened from start to finish. We're gonna nurse you back to being the cool, sexy, and sophisticated Nia."

My throat groaned exhaustedly. "Do I have to? It feels like I'm aging myself faster by 5 years anytime I mention it to somebody."

"That's a very normal feeling, girl. Everybody gets depressed as fuck after break ups. But it doesn't last forever."

Jewels presented himself to me, wagging his tail, cutely.

Always giving into his adorable behavior, I reached out to pick him up and then stepped into the living room.

I huffed, weakly, hating to narrate another account of what's been breaking my heart.

But I laid myself on the couch and petted Jewel's expensive fur coat to keep my cool.

"Eh~ Jewels can't save you. Now, go on."

I re-pictured the way he came in, so down in the dumps but tough in his appearance.

"He came in stoically...or that's how it felt. Also, this was the day before they left for the tour."

"Ah, so this happened on Wednesday?"

"Yeah...and then he started off by apologizing for our last disagreement-"

"-what was that about?" Sonya wondered aloud among the rattling of the plastic bags.

At the sound of the cupboard clapping back and forth while she stored the food, my mind recalled why.

"I got pissed at him because it felt like he was being super nonchalant about all the stuff that was happening to me. One night, in our bedroom, he kept on poking at me about what I was gonna do and if I was gonna go to work the next day."

"He did know about the risks of your safety and everything, right?"

"Of course he did. We had a talk about the death threats and all and he told me it would be fine. However, he seemed to already be glossing over the fact that everything wasn't fine. I take it as him just wanting to give me a peace of mind which is greatly appreciated—"

"But...." Sonya sung.

She knows me way too well.

"But, it also makes me upset. Instead of him validating how seriously fucked up the situation was, he basically readied me to deal with it. And to me, that didn't sit well at all. I became sick of people telling me to not let it get to me—Jungkook, Jay, and even the man at the police station. I don't wanna sound ungrateful or anything but those words are not what I needed to hear. For one, I'm not suicidal, and two, I won't allow these people to assassinate my character either. But Jungkook nearly judged me for catching an attitude when I lashed out on him about it. Surely, I'm not used to the "Ideal Idol Way" of dealing with things as he is."

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