He Hears You, She Doesn't

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I awaited her presence, elated to see her but mildly uneasy about her being.

Life hasn't been treating her the best lately and I hope our bond could put her to ease. Even if not romantically, platonically I desired her trust and faith.

She was expected to arrive in a few minutes after the text she sent lit up my phone. As soon as the sky glowed cyan, I made a run to the store to grab her favorite snacks and a meal to prepare for the evening.

Nia enlightened me that this meetup would take a while. That's why I felt it was best for us to eat together as she filled me in—I wanted her to gain as much energy as she was exerting.

"Bro, you're really going all out for this." Scott teased.

I cheesed, shrugging him off. "This is important, man~"

"No, really. What is all this food for?" Christian asked while standing around shirtless.

Before I could answer, Scott took the lead. "Don't you know? His crush is coming over."

"Ahh, Nia Red~" He caught on.

My giddy bandmates continued laughing with me as the butt of their jokes.

"Guys, she'll be here any second! And Ian, please put on a shirt. I cannot have her distracted."

"Not my fault." He said sarcastically.

Timely, she arrived. We viewed her from the front door cam outside of our studio.

Christian scrambled to put his shirt back on.

And Scott patted my back, signaling me to go. "Go, I'll let her in."

After a nod, I raced to my studio, cracked the door, and pulled out a seat for her at a coffee table next to my lounge seat.

My ears ticked at the noises beyond the door. Her sweet voice played like a timeless record, making my heart beat quickly.

"Hey, how are you?" She conversed casually with Scott.

Their voices faded out faintly as they small-talked.

"...That's good. Well, he's in there." I heard him say.

Before I even realized, she was already in the room, with her purse in one hand and her phone in the other.


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"Hey..." She greeted.

"Hey." I repeated, admiring her appearance in the process.

Her chic style and onyx curls shot right into my heart.

"You look nice~" My mouth spoke before my thoughts constructed. Trying to distract from what I just said, I motioned for her to sit down at the table before me.

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