Like, For Love

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Jungkook's POV


"We're no longer together. We broke up."

Tae's face went through a series of progressions in a second.

"Jungkook-ssi~ It can't be. Are you lying to me?" He queried.

"No, I'm not." I said seriously.

My hyung sat down facing me with his back turned to the members.

Then he whispered: "She broke up with you? Why for?"

I shook my head profusely.

"No, I broke up with her and it was because I felt like I was hurting her too much. Plus, our relationship was tarnishing both her image and her health."

"Damn, I'm sorry, but I think you might've made the right decision then. Her keeping herself intact is better than maintaining a relationship. I'm really gonna miss her though...she felt like a sister to me." He sighed.

I stared at the phone in my hand blankly, wondering if I should contact her now. The regret is starting to fill my body.

"I didn't know that..."

He nodded. "Yeah, all of us are gonna miss her. She's been so kind to us."

No words.

"Will you tell the others?"

"I guess I should."

Honestly, I debated telling the rest because I didn't want it to kill their vibes while practicing for the tour. Thus, I waved my hand to gather all of their attention. "Hyungs!"

Their heads switched to me instead of whatever they were doing before. Some of them treaded lightly while others sprinted over, which I can understand considering how moody I've been as of late.

"What is it, Kook-ah?" Jin questioned curiously.

"Well, I just felt like you all should now. I cherish all your thoughts, opinions, and friendship. With that being said, I can't help but feel like I've made a grave mistake...but I believe it's also for the safety of the both of us— I broke up with Nia."

Namjoon sighed, shoulders dropping, and absolute grief taking his face.

An aura of unfortunate disappointment washed over us all, especially me.

"Huhh, I knew this was coming." Jimin muttered under his breath.

"Is there nothing else you can do? You both fought so hard to have your relationship. You got rid of Hye-Rin and proved your commitment to Si-Hyuk."

"Well, yeah, but the public is the new challenge. The majority doesn't agree with our relationship." I rebutted.

"So? Fuck what they think. We're trendsetters. Like it or not, if they're true fans, they'll support you." Suga hyung begged to differ.

"They were tearing her to shreds...if it continued any longer, she wouldn't be able to take it. Her means of getting by wasn't correct either. Because she loved me, she disregarded her always."

"Did you consider why she does that?" Jimin asked.

"What do you mean? Of course I considered that. It's because she's selfless—simple as that."

Jimin also sat next to me. "That's not what I meant. Maybe she did that because she wasn't worried about your relationship...she was trying to get through by leaning on the fact that she was certain you guys were good. So much so, that the bad would pass with time. Instead, you made her insecure about what she was fighting breaking her heart. I don't think breaking up with her was the best decision."

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