New Insight

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Jungkook's POV

(During The Phone Call w/ Dabin)


"Jungkook-ah~" Bora called again and again.

Bad timing.

I heard Dabin scoffing on the line, which further tensed my nerves.

Too much was going on at once.

I just. Needed a moment to think!

"Please don't tell Nia about this. It's not what you think." I pleaded in a rush.

Then, my finger tapped the 'end call' icon as I shot up to open the door.

She appeared startled by the swift movement the door made in front of her face.

I just stood there silently due to the major guilt and shame I tried to hide since the incident.

She sighed herself, attempting to gloss over the embarrassing ordeal. "Look, I've decided to put this all behind me on my trip back to LA. But not before I give you some advice."

Not expecting those words at all, I asked "You're leaving today?"

"Yes, tonight. I have no reason to be here, Jungkook."

I nodded my head and stepped back for her to come in.

"I'm all ears." I said.

Bora closed the door behind herself and settled against the closet door.

"First off, I feel like I deserve to know some details. After all, you are the one who dragged me into all of this."


" I wanna know why didn't you tell me about her---Nia? Or is that relationship even real?"

A sigh fell from my mouth easily.

"It was real. It's just...I'm trying to sort everything out. I'm in a very...disheartening stage of my life."

In a tired manner, she put her hand on her hip.

"Was?" She repeated as a question.

"Yes, we broke up. Better yet, I broke up with her."

Bora rolled her eyes, disappointed.

"And why did you decide to involve me in this? Is it because I was going to be the one to help you get over her?!"

Like a guilty little boy, I replied "Yes."

"Shouldn't you have used that guilt to pursue her again instead?"

The way she interrogated me at this moment felt belittling to my manhood. And rightfully so, because I had some maturing to do. It's not that we, men, aren't capable of making palpable decisions but sometimes we create complexities within minor solutions. A woman's logic is no joke.

So I took my punishment and listened to her intently.

Bora tsked and observed my pathetic state. At my silence, she asked again. "Well?!"

"I...I doubt she'd even want me now though..."

"Well, you never know unless you try. But don't make another stupid mistake."

"I just want her back~" I complained.

Bora made her way over. Her feet made prints over the ivory carpet while she sat beside me on the disheveled bed.

"...If you want her back, and want to have a successful second try, you need to know how to meet both of your needs properly. Why did you break up with her in the first place?"

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