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A/N: Another thing, guys. So, "blushing" is a term applied more commonly to white people or those of lighter skin tones. We, black people, often disassociate ourselves with the term because it is difficult to see our brown skin "turning red" or appearing lighter. In past chapters when I've said "blushing", some were not comfortable or tried to correct me. For one, the character "Nia" is loosely based off of me. I am, indeed, black and my skin town does reflect a lighter pink tone signaling a blush. However, I wanted to make her features apply to most readers and I'm happy to find that a lot of you do relate with Nia. Factually, everybody blushes. A blush can be described as blood rushing to your face. Therefore, when we feel certain emotions, anyone's blood can rush to their faces. So, when I say "blushing" in chapters like this one, you don't necessarily have to imagine the character's face turning red. It's just another way of me saying shy, flustered, embarrassed, etc. Thank you and enjoy reading.

Jungkook's POV


My eyes fluttered open to the sight of Nia's body enveloped by the covers. Her brown skin against the white sheets is always a gorgeous thing to witness. While I stared and appreciated her delicate features, she turned over in her sleep, facing the opposite way.

Not on my watch. I scooted my body towards hers and wrapped my arms around her.

"Mhh morning, Kook~" Her raspy voice sounded.

"Morning to you too. I'm still thinking about last night~" I added, singing the last part.

"Of course you are." She giggled then turned back around to face me. 

I fixed my attention on those delectable chocolate eyes of hers.

"Reminds me of the very first time we did it. Neither of us expected it."

She rolled her eyes sassily. "You completely planned that."

I gasped, falsely offended. "And just how certain are you about that?"

"Jungkook, you brought a whole change of clothes."

"Hahaha, did I??"

I totally did plan it. Not gonna lie—It had been on my mind for a while.

She smirked at my playfulness.

We cuddled for a while longer and enjoyed each other's warmth. That is, until she patted my thigh and said, "Let's get up. I gotta get to work."

"Mhhh." I groaned.

"How about we do something different today?"

Her right eyebrow raised perplexingly.

"You and I..."

"Uh huhh..."

"..go to get matching tattoos??"


Nia pondered on the idea for a minute.

"You don't have practice today?"

I shook my head as in a 'no'.

"Our intense practices for the tour don't start until tomorrow."

"Oh, okay. I don't really have to go in today but I was in the middle of a song with Gray Oppa."

"Just go in later to work on it. Let's do this. It'll be fun!"

She shrugged her shoulders and agreed. We both proceeded to get dressed and make our way to this lovely experience.

First, we fed our puppy, Jewels. Happy as ever, he chowed on the food as we chatted some more.

Afterwards, I stood in the kitchen, fixing my coffee and grabbing a snack. Nia stood by the door leading outside. I could tell her eagerness by the way she tapped her foot erratically.

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