Love, At Last.

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"I'm talking kick drums, bass and 808, a piano, and strings. Whatever evokes the emotions she's describing, we need to use it. We can't mess this up, okay? We have one target, one job. To reconcile her love of music." I brainstormed rapidly in the team discussion.

"Right." Kyung-Mo (DPR CREAM) understood while playing chords on his beloved keyboard.

"Man, I'm so excited!" Christian (DPR IAN) expressed. "Imagine her face when she hears this."

My shoulders perked up at the thought.

"I know right~ I really hope she loves it." I anticipated.

This is a conversation that took place, days ago, between my members and me.

When I drove Nia to her job and got her to record some lines off the top of her head, I sent the file to the DPR archives.

My group members and I created a track centered around her vocals and then mixed them on top of the layers.

This idea occurred to me, the night of our date.

Because of that rebirth that occurred as she listened to her projects and the music at the skating rink,

It meant that this could be rekindled.

And saved.

With that discovery made, we worked on this for four days straight, ensuring the best outcome possible was crafted.

Ian and Scott scavenged and asked for clips of Nia from various networks, award shows, and more for video usage.

Together, they created an MV for the song, featuring the different stages of her career so far. From 'Signhere' to every interview (including radio show) and live performance ever.

Scott (DPR REM) bargained for permission to use the clips and took care of other business matters involved, like a pro.

While Christian cut, filtered, and edited each clip to create an aesthetically pleasing yet accurate video, I approved each stage with my vision in mind.

Long nights and ungodly hours are what it took to finish something so meticulous.

Eventually, we completed the (worthwhile) assignment.

Already in contact with her boss about the entire thing, Jay suggested that I present it to her near the Hangang River.

So, that's exactly what we did.

With team spirit, we all chose a spot by the river at Hangang park and started from there.

While the guys set up a homemade projector to air the video on, I bought a blanket, fairy lights, lamps, pillows, a tray for two, and last but not least, dinner.

The time was 7:34 pm (19:34).

Everything was set up perfectly, and all we needed left was Nia.

I snatched my phone from my right jean pocket.

"You got this!" Cream reminded, catching me a little nervous.

"Yeah." I giggled, not knowing why my nerves were running so high at this moment.

"Hey~" I began while putting her on speaker.

"Mhh, Dabin-ah?" She replied, sounding half-asleep.

She sounded so cute.

I looked up at the guys who shared the same jittery expression as I did.

"Are you busy?"

Soft, fastening noises faded in. She must've been adjusting a blanket.

Jeonderstand? 3: Test Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now