Still With Me

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Hye-Rin's POV


"My new personal assistant?"

"Yes, YG has also provided you an agent. He says that your talent is like none he'd ever seen. With that being said, I'm very excited to work with you, Hye-Rin. Would you like me to explain what my job entails?" Aeris asked.

"Sure, I'd love that."

"Basically, I schedule appointments, phone calls, traveling arrangements, and I even create events for you. Just know that everything I do is to make your name and brand known to the world."

I clasped my hands together like a giddy child. "That sounds amazing!"

"Right! So, tomorrow you'll be coming in for your very first script rehearsal. You will also have some down time to meet with your cast mates as well as take a tour of the company building."

Listening to everything Aeris said over the line was making my heart flutter at all the opportunities I'd be receiving in the next few months. My life is finally changing for the better.

"What time should I be at the building?"

"As early as 8 o'clock."

"Got it!" I said.

"See you then, Hye-Rin."

"You too, Aeris. Have a good night."

After ending that precious call, I fell on the couch, extremely content with my circumstances.

Though, I won't lie, the order of events today has been quite strange. I wonder why my mother is starting to fancy a relationship with me again.

Regardless, she doesn't deserve it.

I won't even waste my time thinking about her.

And just like that, I got ready for bed to tomorrow's adventure.


All dressed up and pretty-faced I was with the help of Seohyun.

All dressed up and pretty-faced I was with the help of Seohyun

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She did my make-up for the upcoming excursion. Of course, it's no big ceremony or anything but I still wanted to make an admiring, long-lasting impression.

"Thanks, Eomma!" I said to Seohyun as she dropped me off in front of the palace that YG now seemed to resemble.

"No problem, my daughter~" She laughed and watched me walk through the doors before pulling off.

The frisk air residing in the building rushed through my bones, shaping the ambiance around me. The walls were so shiny, the floor so clean, and the people so kind. Deceivingly? I'm not sure...but let's not jump to conclusions just yet. After all, if they really see something special in me, they'd give their all to keep me here.

I strutted to the front desk across the room as the front sign was no longer there from yesterday.

"Hi~I'm Hye-Rin. I'm here for the first script rehearsal of 'The Ungrateful Fruit'."

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