All I See Is RED

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Sonya's POV

(During The Last Event)


"Babe, how's your day going?" He asked me via FaceTime with his earbuds in.

I diligently painted my toenails and gave him an answer. "It's alright. Since it's my off-day, I gave myself a spa day."

The mission was to keep my growing bump out of the camera, so I tried to keep it on my face only.

After the ultrasound, I'll let him in on our little secret.

"Nice~ you completely deserve it. How's it going at work?"

I spotted the other Bangtan boys conversing in the back with a movie playing.

Hobi sat on the farthest couch in the room and talked with me in a lower tone.

Answering his last question, I responded: "It's going really well. My team and I are brainstorming ideas for a baby clothing line."

Oh, he has no idea, yet. Good.

"Ooh~ how cute." He hummed delightfully and adjusted his camera accordingly. "You do seem a little down, though."

But he does have an idea about that...

That's Hoseok for you. Even with an unplanned check-up call, he quickly discerns whether your smile is upside down or right-side-up.

One of my favorite qualities about him.

I switched to the next nail (struggling a bit to look over my belly) and sighed with doubt. "Nia and I had a small argument yesterday."


"Yeah, I don't feel too good about it. I kinda caused it, I suppose."

"What do you mean?" He rested his hand under his chin and relaxed on the arm of the couch.

"Is Jungkook around?" I phrased, first and foremost.

He examined the room securely. "No, he's in another room right now. I think he's upset about something too. He left during our movie night."

"Hmm..." I wondered curiously. But I decided not to ask. "Well tell him that I hope he feels better."

"Will do."

"Anyway, have you seen that recent picture of Nia with DPR LIVE?"

"Yeah!~ Tae showed me, actually."

"And how do you feel about it?" I posed the question.

He hummed, thinking of a concise answer.

"To be honest, I'm very neutral about it but, I am happy that she's doing well. Is it a little fast? Yes, but--"

"Ugh~ that's what I said too..." I mentioned in a saddened voice.

"—But she's happy and I guess that's all that matters. How did you guys get into an argument anyway?"

"Well, I said what you just said about it being fast and added in how I thought there was still a chance with Jungkook. I suggested that she wait a little longer before getting herself into something else."

Hoseok groaned sympathetically. "I would agree with everything you said but, I'm not sure. This might really be the end for them.

"Why do you say that?"

"Jungkook...he seems to be over Nia from what I can tell..."

While distraught by that discovery, I placed the cap on top of my nail polish bottle and stopped everything.

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