Company Loves Misery

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Hye-Rin's POV


On this fine day, we were cruising steadily down the road.

The chilling air flowing through the vents was less than pleasant though.

"Goddamn, it's always like I'm caught in a blizzard when riding with you." I complained.

He shrugged. "Eh, you get used to it. I advise you to bring a coat next time, dear." He smart-assed.

I cut my eyes at his comical demeanor.

"Anywayss, thanks for taking me to the audition, Wook. The next time you see me, I'll be on TV!" I daydreamed out the glossy window.

With his eyes glued to the road, he said:

"You're welcome. Though I will admit, I'm more than ready to stop hearing you recite that cheesy monologue you prepared. If I hear those lines one more time in that croaky, crying voice you've been doing, I'll lose it."

"Hey!" I erupted into laughter. "Don't rain on my parade! And plus, all those times I wasn't acting it out fully. I was practicing a little something." I assured.

He made an unsure groan as if he didn't believe me.

Oh. I didn't like that sound one bit.

"I can act, Jung-Wook!!"

"I didn't say you couldn't!" He retorted.

Still, that didn't come out too confident.

The mood changed unnaturally.

"...Well I feel like you don't think I can."

I crossed my arms with an unsatisfied, pouty face and fell silent until we made it to the casting place.

Right after he parked, I slammed his car door and stormed off to the front of the building.

His voice kept calling for me in the distance but I was already too far.

Angrily, I yanked the door and came face to face with a sign and map entailing information about which room number to track for specific purposes.

I followed the hangul on the sign with my finger and took off in order to avoid him.

I wanted to lose him so that I could properly calm myself in time for the audition.

As expected, it's really difficult for me to control my anger. Day by day, I've been working to improve it with the techniques Da-Eun recommended.

I counted to 10 in my head and counted back down to 1, twice.

The room was located on the third floor of the building.

"The hell?" I muttered under my breath.

Why was the room so far away?

Nevertheless, I journeyed past that thought and took the elevator. A strikingly handsome boy with one dimple bowed to me when I entered.

"Hello. What floor would you like me to press for you?" He questioned.

"Oh, the 3rd."

At my command, he pressed it and quietly mimicked a melody.

Not gonna lie, the cute boy behind me was making me too nervous to even stand properly.

"What's your name? I don't think I've seen you from around here before."


"Very pretty. Your face is also very rosy and delicate. Might I ask, what's your concept?"

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