Highs & Lows

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A/N: Hey guys! So I just wanted to clear some things up. Jay Park, some of you love him and some of you can't stand him. As most of us here are women of color, of course, it'd be smart to address this topic. I understand much of you all's frustration with the situation that occurred with him last year, but, I'm asking that you please keep that negative energy out of my book series. I made him a character in my story way before that controversy and I've decided to keep him because he plays a very important role in the story. As a black girl, I have my own feelings about this whole thing and I've even thought about whether I should keep him in this or not. But, ultimately, I've said yes. I don't agree with nor condone some of his behavior but, personally, I feel like he's so much more than that and I feel like he has gained some learning experiences from his past mistakes. Cancel culture is quite toxic, and I feel that people no longer want to accept that people can learn and change. They only continue to throw up things of the past. And the person you were back then is not usually who you are now, right? Just like no one likes some of the things they've done in their past. Let's love and teach each more, okay? With all of that being said, I don't wanna see anymore negative comments about Jay Park in my comments. Thank you. And also thank you for sticking with "Jeonderstand?" thus far.


Nia's POV


MAMA in Japan was knocked out and we've all flown back to Korea safely. I sat in my sound-proofed studio brainstorming for the next album. This time I would be creating another full-length album in accompaniment with a pre-release single.

I wanted to do something more versatile this time but add in more of my black soul and roots. I was thinking of showing something raw as well, almost like making this album the inside of my mind. Musically and compositionally, I wanted it to sound different from my other material or lyrics per se.  That way it would leave a longer lasting effect on my listeners.

I surfed through old files on my computer, deciding which ones to continue before coming up with a completely new production.

I picked out three files, eager to complete at least one today. Thus, I know art takes time and should not be rushed as Jay always says to us.

Two hours in, I encountered a challenge; I wanted this specific flickering sound I had in my head to unravel the world I was trying to create.

I rose quickly from the swivel chair and grabbed the handle to the door, pulling it back.

In the hallway assigned specifically for studios, I dashed for Gray's.

I knocked on his door, casually tapping my foot while waiting.

Soon, he snatched the door, not on purpose though, and he greeted me.

"Nia, come in." A warm smile on his face.

I entered his studio, taking it in in all its glory. It was decorated with neutral and warm tones which differed from his musical sound.

He closed the door and stood by it, waiting for my coming words.

"GRAY! I need your musical genius!"

He chuckled, already used to my funny behavior with past interactions. "What do you need?"

"There's this sound I have in my head, right? And I need it to sound exactly this way, exactly like it."

"Oh, okay, what does it sound like?"

I imitated the sound with my mouth, hoping he'd get it.

His eyebrows raised. "Do you want woodwind, percussion-?..."

Jeonderstand? 3: Test Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now